MRI with contrast vs. without Before some MRIs, you'll get contrast dye injected into a vein in your arm or hand. This dye helps the doctor more clearly see structures inside your body or subtle changes between tissue that is healthy and tissue that is cancerous. The dye often used in ...
Most MRIs are performed without a contrast dye because it isn't needed to get accurate results for the suspected problem. Also, certain patients (those who are pregnant as well as those withkidney disease) shouldn't get the contrast dye because of possible complications. What Is an MRI Scan ...
其基本原理是实时定位最方便观察目的血管段的层面,系统将以1~2帧/秒的速度重复扫描,当肉眼观察到造影剂到达该处时,手动启动扫描(Go 3D)。 TRICKS--时间分辨的增强动力学成像(Time-Resolved Imaging of Contrast KineticS),能通过造影剂血液动力学进行全身的动态增强扫描。具有...
If you are having an MRI with contrast, the technologist will start an IV in your arm. Unlike contrast agents used in x-ray studies, MRI contrast agents do not contain iodine and rarely cause allergic reactions or other problems. This contrast enhances the image quality, allowing the ...
MRI:Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像 NMRI:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging核磁共振成像 MRA:Magnetic Resonance Angiography磁共振⾎管造影 CE-MRA:contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography对⽐增强磁共振⾎管成像MRV:Magnetic Resonance Venography磁共振静脉造影 VW-MRI:vessel wall magnetic ...
GE:MERGE,2D (Multiple echo recalled gradient echo) COSMIC,3D(Coherent oscillatory state acquisition for the manipulation imaging contrast) 特点 一次小角度射频脉冲激发后采集多个梯度回波(3-6),然后将这些回波合并,以提高S/N,主要是 T2*WI。 临床应用:用于颈椎的显示椎间盘和脊髓的灰白质、膝关节、脊神经...
此序列本质为反转恢复快速梯度回波T1WI序列,采用180°反转脉冲做为准备脉冲,对于选择性抑制某一特定的组织,需要选择合适的TI值。GE命名为“Fast GRE with IR-PREP T1WI”序列,而Siemens称为“Turbo Flash T1WI”序列,在参数选项卡上选择“IR”即可。 序列12序列12“TI-Scout”测量的最佳数值填写入“contrast→Common...
此序列本质为反转恢复快速梯度回波T1WI序列,采用180°反转脉冲做为准备脉冲,对于选择性抑制某一特定的组织,需要选择合适的TI值。GE命名为“Fast GRE with IR-PREP T1WI”序列,而Siemens称为“Turbo Flash T1WI”序列,在参数选项卡上选择“IR”即可。 序列12序列12“TI-Scout”测量的最佳数值填写入“contrast→Common...
REACT:Relaxation-EnhancedMR Angiography without Contrast and Triggering非打药非触发的驰豫增强血管成像 MP-FGRE:magnetization prepared fast gradient recalled echo磁化准备快速梯度回波(GE为FIRM /2D Fast GRE with IR-PREP/3D Fast GRE with IR-PREP/Fast GRE with DE-PREP、西门子FLASH/Turbo FLASH/MP-RAGE、...
RGE / IRGRE IRGRE IR-EGRE TFE T1WI Turbo FLASH T1WI FIRM 或 2D FGRE with IR-PREP 二维IR-FGRE T1W1 18 东芝 日立 安科 鑫高益 万东医疗 新奥博为 飞利浦 西门子 GE 书中所用名称 序号 Hybrid EPI / / GRASE GRASE ESE-EPI GRASE TGSE GE GRASE 30 / / / / / / PRESTO / / PRESTO 29...