,现已证明定量磁共振神经成像的可行性;磁化传递对比成像(magnetization transfer contrast imaging, mtc)可以提供神经组织的组成,蛋白含量,胶原蛋白完整性及脱髓鞘信息 [38] ,以揭示脱髓鞘和轴突丢失所引起的神经组织的变化;定量磁敏感图(quantitative susceptibility mapping, qsm),化学交换饱和转移(chemical exchange ...
3. to exemplify how wb-mri could help deliver the promise of precision oncology for patients with bone disease 4. to discuss indications for (whole body) pet/mri imaging with focus on specific pathologies and identify challenges to implementing clinical pet/mri programs知识科学科普 rsna 北美放射...
contrast-enhanced. DWI=diffusion-weighted imaging. MRAC=magnetic-resonance-based attenuation correction. T1=T1-weighted imaging. T2=fluid-sensitive. T2-weighted imaging 图1:同步PET–MRI方案 对于患者采用俯卧位进行的专用乳腺PET-MRI,PET数据在MRI序列(MRAC、T2、DWI和T1 DCE)的一个床位位置上获取。 对于患...
contrast agentiron oxidelanthanidelongitudinal relaxation timeMRIsmart agentstarget specificitytransverse relaxation timeMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is increasingly used in clinical diagnostics, for a rapidly growing number of indications. The MRI technique is non-invasive and can provide information on ...
with clear rim and invasive depth on contrast-enhanced image病变侵犯基质:T2WI低信号旳基质环被癌肿高信号部分或完全取代时,虽然外缘光整,也提示基质受侵Invaded stroma by lesion: hypo-signal on T2WI replaced by tumor as asmooth rim, demonstrating a complete or partial damage in cervicalstroma第52页20...
in contrast t2-weighted sequences have 02:03 the opposite relationship with the gray 02:04 matter being more hyper intense compared 02:07 to the white matter which is really 02:09 quite dark 02:10 and yes of course the CSF is bright on 02:14 t2 and dark on T one but as we'll se...
目的探讨直肠腺瘤的MRI影像学特征,提高对直肠腺瘤的诊断水平。方法 对26例经手术病理证实的直肠腺瘤病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果26例直肠腺瘤中管状腺瘤4例,管状绒毛状腺瘤17例,绒毛状腺瘤5例。MRI影像特征有:从黏膜层向腔内呈团块状或菜花状生长,肠壁无增厚,宽基底生长;平扫T1WI以低信号为主,T2WI以稍高信...
[7] Delongchamps NB, Rouanne M, Flam T, et al. Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging for the detection and localization of prostate cancer: combination of T2-weighted, dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusionweighted imaging. BJU Int 2011;107:1411-8. ...
低于肌层Slightlyornoenhancedcontrastwithasignallowerthanmyometrialnnn子宫恶性肿瘤的MRI诊断24/73LiaoningCancerInstituteand Hospital-8-724病变侵入肌层Invadingmyometrial癌肿呈菜花状、息肉状突入宫腔lesionswithcauliflower-likemassintheuterinecavityT2WI:低信号结合带内出现高信号T2WI:hyper-signalinlowerjunctionalzone...
MRI with contrast is typically used to help detect abnormalities in the blood vessels.7Meng, Xiao-xi; Zhang, Yong-qiu; Liao, Hua-qiang; Liu, Hong-chao; Jiang, Hai-lin; Ke, Shu-jun; Dong, Wei-hua (2016). Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for the assessment of spinal tumor vascularity: co...