Live Online Courses, Self-Paced Courses, and Hands-On Clinical Training We provide structured Live Online, and Self-Paced, MRI and CT Educational Programs committed to you as the student with a comprehensive, professional MRI and CT education that meets your needs and practical hands-on training...
The MRI Resource Directory: MRI Training Courses - Resources for training programs, online courses, online degree programs, etc. --- Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal ( is a free web portal for magnetic resonance imaging
Each course offers an intensive four (4) months certificate training program in Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Axial Tomography.We offer two types of programs: A live online training, or a self-paced virtual training in MRI and CT. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are emphasiz...
Subscribers to Clinics CME can earn up to 60 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ each year by completing one of our customized CME programs, accredited by the Elsevier Office of Continuing Medical Education.Please note that all CME exams must now be taken online.More ...
Accelerating CEST imaging using a model-based deep neural network with synthetic training data Xu, Jianping, Tao Zu, Yi‐Cheng Hsu, Xiaoli Wang, Kannie WY Chan, and Yi Zhang [22 October 2023] [Magn. Reson. in Med.] [Paper] [Github] ...
「使用对象主要为实习学生和医科学生,帮助他们了解颈椎MRI解剖(使用1.5 Tesla MRI扫描仪)的基本知识。 它是由T1加权序列矢状切面和T2重建在三个平面(矢状、冠状和轴向)所制成,切割厚度为1毫米,方便识别椎骨、神经系统、椎间盘、小面关节和血管。解剖结构的标示是由Pierre Zabarino和Michel-Roxan Sperta-Merle所制...
继冠状和矢状切片后,我们创建了关于MRI脑部轴向切片的新单元。 单元内共有379张MRI扫描图,在3个平面和26个解剖图示上标记了超过524个解剖结构。 本单元主要为了医生、神经解剖学和医学成像的爱好者而设,尤其是全科医生、言语病理学家、精神运动治疗师,以及神经学、神经外科、解剖学和神经科学的专业人士。 图形1 ...
As AI technology takes further root in the MRI field, healthcare systems will need to devise upgraded training programs for their technologists to keep them abreast of technological improvements. Artificial Intelligence Benefits MRI Enhancements to MRI improve the quality of the images taken, shorten ...
MRI图片由Sorin Ghiea 和 Emi Preda - MD提供 解剖标记是由Antoine Micheau M.D.(法国蒙彼利埃放射科医师)使用 Terminologia Anatomica 写上的。 图形1 - 髋MRI和3D解剖图 髋MRI和3D解剖图 图形2 - 髋MRI解剖图 髋MRI解剖图 图形3 - 男性生殖系统切片解剖图 男性生殖系统切片解剖图 图形4 - 髋骨-股骨...
B. Arch is inclusive of six-month practical training in a professional’s office after completion of the first stage of the course. Student Chapter of IEEE, ACM (Advance Computing Machinery) and CSI (Computer Society of India). Manav Rachna Sports Academy has Olympic Level facilities for sport...