Been a MRI Technologist for 12 years and working around the magnetic field killed my Versa’s battery and any Fitbit I’ve worn in the MRI suite, no longer vibrates. Seems odd you’ve had no effects despite a lot of other techs commenting they have. Must be a lucky one...
I recommend “Open Advanced MRI NW” to anyone who suffers from chronic pain and cannot lay flat on their back. I was able to lay on my side and stay comfortable and pain free through the entire MRI. Chris, the technician, was very accommodating and even let me use my own pillows. Th...
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Dagane Daar, MRI technologist for his support during data collection. The authors also thank Science Care for providing a human prostate tissue from donors with cancer. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. References 1...