my face was very close to the ceiling of the machine. I had to take deep breathes and hold it a number of times and the drum-like banging of the machine helped me count how long I was holding my breath. I am larger than the average bear and really appreciated Stephanie's kindness an...
Radiologists require an associate’s degree as a minimal educational requirement. MRI technologists, however, need a bachelor’s degree. Salary According to, as of 2010, the average radiologic technologist made around $54,000 a year. Those specializing in MRI technology earn an average...
Average size, size distribution, and particle morphology were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and differential centrifugal sedimentation (DCS). Changes in particle surface were studied by Zeta potential measurements and gel electrophoresis. Using AC-susceptibility (ACS) measurements of...
This aggregation is achieved by computing their average, ensuring a comprehensive representation that encapsulates the interactions across all dimensions. 4. Experimental Results 4.1. Datasets In our study, we employed the BraTS2018 [43] and BraTS2019 [44] datasets to evaluate brain tumor image ...
leadership in early years was amazing, but with the rapid expansion in China, leadership got average and sometimes even below average. new managers cared more about number than people, and the old "enriching lives" and "people care" environment has long gone.I was in management, I was happy...