脑部MRI轴向解剖图集。网上免费完整的人体脑部MRI轴向解剖图集(包含旋回波T1、T2、FLAIR和扩散序列)。 您可以使用互动界面,逐一更精准展示附注解的解剖图片。这图集非常适合全科医生、放射科医生及研究MRI脑部的住院实习医师所使用。
e-Anatomy 的这个解剖单元展示高解析度3T MRI手指图(多平面T2-FS和T1图像),专用于手指的解剖,包括正常的指骨、掌指关节、近端指间关节和远端指间关节以及韧带(掌侧板、手指的伸肌和屈肌机构、环形滑轮和滑膜)。这手指肌肉骨骼解剖图集旨在帮助放射科医生进行日常实践。得益于高解析度3-T MRI,手指的复杂解剖结构...
For example, this principle may be used to predict (and remember) that the T1 and T2 values of the renal medulla (where the urine collects) are longer than those of the renal cortex; the spleen (with more blood) has longer T1 and T2 than the liver, and so forth. Although this "...
Background noise removal from uniform T1-weighted MP2RAGE image volumes was done usinghttps://github.com/JosePMarques/MP2RAGE-related-scripts. The high-resolution T1- and T2-weighted images were then submitted to the ASHS package35using the Magdeburg Young Adult 7T Atlas (based on 22 healthy ...
A spinal MRI (T1 and T2 weighted) showed spinal cord swelling without contrast-enhancement. Because of the doubtful MRI results and the lack of a precise target site for biopsy a 18F-FDG PET/MRI was proposed to the patient in order to better clarify the nature of the lesion. A limited ...
Firstly, the basic principles of magnetic resonance image acquisition will be explained. Also, quantitative properties to describe the image quality are defined. Secondly, some sequences for quantitative T1 and T2 imaging will be analysed and specific issues concerning optimization and accuracy will be...
16、gesAnatomy of brain is better explained on T1W seq while pathologies are better studied on T2W and Proton density sequences.TISSUE CHARACTERISTICSSeq Parameters CSF Gray M WhiteM FatT1W short TR Hypo iso hyper hyper short TE T2W short TR hyper iso hypo iso / long TE hypoProton long ...
We found no significant differences between the two groups in terms of postoperative hypervascularization in T2-weighted images, homogeneity in T1-weighted images, integration at the reattachment site, FHL union rates at the tunnel site, or fatty infiltration evaluated using Goutallier, Fuchs classifica...
这是经过MRI扫描的健康人体标本,切片厚度为0.6mm,使用1.5 Tesla MRI扫描仪取得三个平面的3D立体成像和T1加权像(没有使用钆剂),图像矩阵为320x320。 图形2 - 脑-冠状切片 我们在同一标本上相继进行了Willis环的MRI血管造影(采用时间飞跃法)和静脉的MRI血管造影(采用相位对比法)。
这是经过脸和颈部MRI T2加权扫描的健康人体标本,共有600张图片,图片大小为320 x 320像素。由于低对比度的关系,我们没有采用T1加权成像。在扫描过程中,我们在舌骨后的异位甲状腺发现了甲状舌管囊肿。为了教学目的,我们移除了这病变图像,不过用户仍能在会厌前间隙脂肪组织找到异常,为此我们感到抱歉。