[18] Tu C, Shen H, Liu R, et al. Myocardial extracellular volume derived from contrast-enhanced chest computed tomography for longitudinal evaluation of cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer treated with anthracyclines[J]. Insights...
MRI provides high soft tissue contrast and is able to detect edema, a potential marker of inflammatory stages in FOP.(9–12) MRI is currently used in FOP to evaluate the presence of edema early in flare-ups. (10) Whether the two stages of FOP, active flareups and asymptomatic c...
A paralabral cyst can arise when synovial fluid leaks through a labral tear cleft and into the periarticular soft-tissue space and becomes encapsulated. It aids in recognition of a labral tear and is often located in the anterior superior quadrant(32). Paralabral cysts usually have low tointer...
Fig. 1. Overall framework of the proposed 4D deep learning model for HCC segmentation, including a 3D CNN module (pink block) and a C-LSTM network module (green block). A shallow 3D U-net based Basic module was used for spatial domain information extraction in the pre-contrast, arterial,...
The committee arrived at consensus definitions for cellulitis, soft tissue abscess, and necrotizing infection, while discouraging the nonspecific term phlegmon. For bone infection, the term osteitis is not useful; the panel recommends using terms that describe the likelihood of osteomyelitis in cases ...
. . Is it possible to missing anything to detect by brain mri with contrast, just todays before i did my brain MRI with contrast & received as a result everything is ok & functioning normally. although during the time of lying down into the system and still i'm having neck pain, ...
Title题目Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using 4D Information: Deep Learning Model Based on 3D Convolution and Convolutional LSTM动态对比增强 MRI 上的自动肝脏肿瘤分割使用 4D 信息:基于 3D 卷积和卷积 LSTM 的深度学习模型01文献速递介绍肝癌是导致癌症相关死亡的最常见原因之...
The main aim of the present study was to analyze the reaction of the joint capsule 3 months after subacromial decompression using MRI without contrast. We also wanted to study if there was a relation between the capsular reaction and the Constant score (CS) or the subjective shoulder value (...
The main aim of the present study was to analyze the reaction of the joint capsule 3 months after subacromial decompression using MRI without contrast. We also wanted to study if there was a relation between the capsular reaction and the Constant score (CS) or the subjective shoulder value (...
than 2% dose discrepancies inregions that contain sufficiently largethicknessesof compact bone. Methods have been implemented to manually or automatically segment regions of tissue that contain bones to improve the dosimetric accuracy of bulk densityassignment in the prostate, head and neck, and brain....