Read the full-text online article and more details about "Hall's Dream Torn Apart MRI Reveals Labrum Tear to Backup Catcher's Shoulder" by Gregor, Scot - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), March 27, 2007By Gregor
3、ture肩胛下肌断裂 AcromioclavicularAcromioclavicular joint diseasejoint disease肩锁关节病 The subThe sub- -acromialacromial shoulder impingement syndromeshoulder impingement syndrome肩峰下 撞击综合征 SLAPSLAP病变(上盂唇前后向撕裂) BankartBankart病变 HAGLHAGL病变(盂肱下韧带肱骨部撕脱) Labrum cyst Labrum cyst...
Figure 7(A). MRI of the same patient as in Figure 6.Two-dimensional MRI (top panel) shows anterosuperior and superolateral labral re-tear (arrows). Three-dimensional MRI (bottom panel) again allows evaluation of the extent of the labral tear and also shows the superior extension of the ...
MR imaging of the common shoulder abnormalities 肩关节常见疾病MRI诊断;Background 背景;常见疾病名称;一、 Rotator cuff tendons disease 肩袖肌腱病;NEER in installment of rotator cuff tendon lesions 肩袖肌腱病变的NEER分期;MRI manifestations of rotator cuff tendons disease 肩袖肌腱病的MRI表现;Oblique ...
SLAP病变(上盂唇前后向撕裂)Bankart病变HAGL病变(盂肱下韧带肱骨部撕脱)Labrumcyst盂唇囊肿Adhesivecapsulitisjoints粘连性关节囊炎Shoulderjointosteoarthrosis肩关节骨关节病 Etiologypathology病因病理:Excessiveuse,leadtodegenerationandtearofrotatorcuff过度使用导致肩袖的退行性变和撕裂 ...
For shoulder instability and related glenoid labrum lesions, shoulder MR arthrography is the first selection for evaluation 肩关节常见病变主要为肩袖相关病变和肩关节不稳定。对于肩袖相关病变,肩关节MRI 常规扫描可作为首选;对于肩关节不稳定和盂唇病变,则一般首选肩关节MRI 造影进行评价。 Rotator cuff tendons ...
labrum found in the anterior wedge labrum. There are three subtypes of this variant. In the first subtype there is no anterosuperior labrum. The second subtype has a small anterosuperior labrum firmly attached to the glenoid articular cartilage. In a third subtype the superior labrum and the ...
form a flattened virtual tool applicable for all joints, such as the hip, knee, wrist, shoulder, elbow and ankle, where anatomic landmarks, such as the acetabular notch and acetabular rim, can be precisely correlated between multiple data sets, such as MR images and gold standard arthroscopy...
Seven (13%) had evidence of an acute or chronic anterior shoulder dislocation. Forty-nine (89%) had a rotator cuff partial tear and / or tendinosis. Subacromial / subdeltoid bursitis was present in 29 (40%). Thirty (55%) had a tear of the superior labrum anterior posterior (SLAP).#...