髋MRI和3D解剖图 图形2 - 髋MRI解剖图 髋MRI解剖图 图形3 - 男性生殖系统切片解剖图 男性生殖系统切片解剖图 图形4 - 髋骨-股骨头:3D图片 髋骨-股骨头:3D图片 解剖结构 L5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 [直肠]骶曲 [股二头肌]长头 [腰神经]后支 [臀上动脉]深支 [骶神经]前支 [骶神经...
足部和脚踝(MRI)─互动式人体横断面解剖图集 轴 矢状 三维 需要订阅才能解锁所有功能 订购 跗/ 足 - MRI (冠状) 所有系列 目录 加权 T1wPD-SPIR 解剖结构 选择所有 一般解剖 骨 关节 韧带 肌肉 腱 筋膜 动脉 静脉 神经 转换 标记 测验 大头针 局部标签 字体大小 Auto AA 显示模式 方向 显示/隐藏...
There, they were informed about the study procedure and its measures with a special focus on MRI acquisition and safety. Following the group briefing, the study physician performed a second, individual screening of every participant to ensure that none of the exclusion criteria were fulfilled. ...
We present a publicly available dataset of 227 healthy participants comprising a young (N=153, 25.1±3.1 years, range 20–35 years, 45 female) and an elderly group (N=74, 67.6±4.7 years, range 59–77 years, 37 female) acquired cross-sectionally in Leipzig, Germany, between 2013 and 20...
To predict the pump’s pressure safety point accurately, Medrad needed to improve the technology used to measure the pressure of the fluid delivered to the patient. Instead of relying on motor current as an indicator of fluid pressure, strain gauges would be used to improve pressure monitori...
下肢MRI MRI 优质会员 脚踝和后足MRI MRI 优质会员 膝MRI MRI 优质会员 髋部MRI MRI 优质会员 下肢X光照片 放射影像学 免費 前足MRI MRI 优质会员 下肢血管造影 插畫 优质会员 下肢血管造影 血管造影术 免費 腿(动脉和骨) 三维 免費 选择一个区域 全身 全身CT(淋巴结) 计算机体层摄影 优质会...
磁共振脑静脉造影通常用于检查颅内静脉系统,特别是在评估硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成时。 本单元目的是描述正常的颅内静脉解剖结构,从而方便解读MRV,帮助避免硬脑膜静脉窦血栓形成诊断中的潜在误区。我们还创建了脑静脉血管区域的互动式地图,虽然静脉血管区域变化很大,也不像动脉血管区域那样广为人知。 材料与方法 此脑磁共振静...