although these images have poorer resolution ancl overall quality than the images used for radiological diagnosis, they do not suffer blurring from physiological motion, they permit multi-slice recording of the entire brain in a few seconds, and, 24、 in principle, they permit sampling of the ...
【关键词】磁共振成像 【中图分类号】R445.2 【文献标识码】A [文章编号】 1008—1062(2016)06—0435—04 The and inclinicof contrastenhancementresonance principleapplication dynamic magnetic imaging WANG Ai—bo,BIANJie toDalian Second Medical 1 (DepartmentofRadiology,the Affiliated Hospital University,Dalia...
Advantages of in vitro labeling are the high load of iron per cell that can be achieved using this approach, and the specificity of the labeling (although in principle cell death subsequent to i.v. administration can still result in the presence of free iron colloids in the bloodstream). Mai...
Abstract:Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common cancer in the world. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are currently the best imaging technologies for non-invasive diagnosis of HCC....
MRI原理与技术.doc,南方医科大学本科专业教学大纲 MRI原理与技术 The principle and technology of Magnetic Resonance of Imaging (MRI) 适用专业:医学影像工程专业 执笔人:康立丽 审定人:卢广文 学院负责人:陈武凡 南方医科大学教务处 二○○六年十二月 课程编码:B03
Ferrazzi, al.Autocalibrated multiband CAIPIRINHA with through-time encoding: Proof of principle and application to cardiac tissue phase mapping.Magn. Reson. Med.81, 1016–1030. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar ...
In addition to DCE-MRI, arterial spin labeling (ASL) is also an accepted method for quantifying RBF and renal perfusion. MRI is sensitive to the differences in spin susceptibility displayed by protons in motion and at rest. Exploiting this principle, ASL treats the proton in endogenous blood as...
This thesis presents new developments based on the principle of SPEED: First, SPEED is extended from 2D to 3D to reduce scan time with more flexibility and efficiency; Second, SPEED is combined with Half-Fourier imaging to accelerate MRI further by a factor of nearly 2; Third, SPEED is ...
This paper elaborated principle of MRI, function of its components, quality detection methods, and discussed recent research and applications. Since, no paper yet published on MRI, covered so wide applications as included in this work, its importance being increased more....
有监督的训练有输入有输出,比如线性回归、决策树、神经网络、支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)、Resnet-18、GoogleNet等;无监督的训练只有输入没有输出,比如堆栈自编码网络(stacked auto-encoder network, SAE)模型及聚类算法如k-...