Schedule an MRI or CT Scan at Health Images What Is a CT Scan? CT stands for computed tomography. Sometimes, these are referred to as CAT scans, which stands for computerized axial tomography. CT scans use x-rays to create multiple cross-sections of your body. These scans are extremely po...
Unlike CT scans, MRIs do not use radiation, but they are somewhat noisy, slower, and claustrophobic, which may cause anxiety. Besides, because of their strong magnets MRIs may not be safe for some candidates including those with aneurysm clips (unless the clips are MRI-safe), cardiac ...
Deciding between an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray can be confusing, especially when you’re not sure which is the most appropriate for your specific health concern. This guide demystifies the process, helping you understand when each type of imaging is recommended and what to consider before undergo...
aneurysm clips A cochlear (ear) implant A metallic foreign body in the eye A programmable shunt for hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)Unless it is an emergency, you should not have an MRI scan if you are pregnant or have had surgery within the last 3 months....
●Brain aneurysm clips(脑动脉瘤夹) ●Heart defibrillator or pacemaker(心脏除颤器或起搏器) ●Inner ear (cochlear) implants(内耳植入物) ●Kidney disease ordialysis(透析)(you may not be able to receive contrast) ●Recently placedartificial...
The MRI allows the brain and spinal cord to be better imaged with greater clarity than a CT scan, and may be used in patients with tumors, stroke, or other neurologic disease. Because the MRI scan requires a significant amount of time to complete, a CT scan is often used as a first-...
Brain MRI An MRI of the brain and spinal cord can help find many things, like: Blood vessel damage, including ananeurysm(a bulging or weakened blood vessel in the brain) Brain injury Cancer Multiple sclerosis (MS) Spinal cord injuries ...
Brain MRI An MRI of the brain and spinal cord can help find many things, like: Blood vessel damage, including ananeurysm(a bulging or weakened blood vessel in the brain) Brain injury Cancer Multiple sclerosis (MS) Spinal cord injuries ...
Three patients (1.5%) had focal brain lesions (primary or secondary tumours) potentially accountable for the psychosis at CT. One hundred and thirty-three patients (65.2%) had incidental brain lesions unrelated to the psychosis on CT scan. There was no significant difference between MRI and CT ...
脑出血及脑梗塞CT、MRI影像判读.pptx,脑出血及脑梗塞CT、MRI影像判读陈涓 主任医师,硕士研究生导师北京医院 放射科 主要内容脑血管病(典型表现)脑梗死脑出血其他常见出血性疾病(典型表现)硬膜下血肿硬膜外血肿蛛网膜下腔出血脑出血及脑梗死的不典型表现2023/9/102 CT检