Symptoms and Findings in Reproductive-Aged Women Referred for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Sella Turcicachemotherapypremature ovarian failureovary cryopreservationlaparoscopic ovariectomyFollicular fluid contents of 69 age-matched women undergoing ovarian stimulation with a GnRH agonist and a GnRH ...
Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) are the most common tumors in the sella region. MRI, as the gold standard for the evaluation of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors, has made great contributions to the macroscopic evaluation of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors. In recent years, the continuous devel...
the growth of pituitary adenomas, sella size also tends to increase, making the sellar floor more prominent. Despite of the flat sellar floor in patients with hemisellar type of sphenoid sinus, the surgical procedure to open the sellar floor should be quite easy because of its larger sellar ...
THE TEAM FOUNDING TEAM Sella Brosh, M.D. Chief Executive Officer Dr. Ilai Schwartz Co-Founder & CTO Prof. Martin Plenio Co-Founder Prof. Fedor Jelezko Co-Founder Prof. Alex Retzker Co-Founder INVESTORS NVision is funded by deep-tech investors and highly-competitive grants, ...
turcica and 20 of secondary empty sella and leptomeningeal inflammation. There was a general correspondence of anatomic change and abnormal ophthalmologic examination in patients with mass lesions. There was no correlation of visual disturbances with anatomic abnormalities found in the non-neoplastic group...
The breast experiences substantial changes in morphology and function during pregnancy and lactation which affects its imaging properties and may reduce the visibility of a concurrent pathological process. The high incidence of benign gestational-related
the same time.The location,size,shape,margin and MRI findings of Rathke's cleft cyst were analyzed.Result:The maximal diameter of the 12 rathke's cleft cysts was less than 10 mm.There were 10 cysts in the intrasella and 2 cysts in the suprasellar.The margins of all cysts were clear.11...
the same timehe location,size,shape,margin and MRI findings of Rathke’s cleft cyst were analyzed.Result:The maximal diameter of the 12 rathke’s cleft cysts was less than 10 mmhere were 10 cysts in the intrasella and 2 cysts in the suprasellarhe margins of all cysts were clear.11 ...
正常颅脑CT和MRI影像表现英文版 CTANDMRIIMAGING OFNORMALBRAIN NORMALANATOMYOFBRAIN Brainisseparatedfromcalvariumbythreemeninges-duramater,arachnoidmembraneandpiamater.Dividedintosupratentorialandinfratentorialcompartmentscontaining:Supratentorium:CerebralhemispheresdiencephalonInfratentorium:BrainstemstructurescerebellumEach...
49casesofpituitarystalkinterruptionsyndrome(PSIS)(7.9%);16cases ofpituitaryhyperplasiaduetoprimaryhypothyroidism (2.6%);41casesofRathkecleftcyst(6.6%);74casesofemptysellasyndrome(11.9%);17 casesofpituitaryinvasionbyLangerhanscellhistiocytosis(2.7%);2casesofsellarregionalarachnoidcyst(0.3%);and42casesof ...