However, because of the lack of availability of state of the art MRI technology and expertise, echocardiography, in particular trans-esophageal echocardiogram (TEE), remains the generally accepted modality for the evaluation of cardiac anatomy and function most of the time by most practitioners. Accor...
Breast MRI An MRI of the breast can: Screen for breast cancer in people who have a high risk for developing the disease See how large a tumor is and how far it has spread in people who've been diagnosed with breast cancer Find out whether the cancer has come back after being treated ...
Yujia Zhou, Xueli Li,Yingjie Mei, Zhentai Lu,Yu Zhang,Yanqiu Feng,Yaqin Liu, Wei Yang & Wufan Chen A technical challenge in the registration of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance (DCE-MR) imaging in the liver is intensity variations caused by contrast ...
It's considered safe to have contrast dye while you're breastfeeding because there's no evidence that thetiny amount of gadolinium contrast that would find its way into breast milk would be toxic. If you're still concerned, you could stop breastfeeding for 24 hours after getting the test a...
Manganese oxide and docetaxel co-loaded fluorescent polymer nanoparticles for dual modal imaging and chemotherapy of breast cancer J. Contr. Release, 209 (2015), pp. 186-196 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [37] Z. Zeng, K. Pu Improving cancer immunotherapy by cell membrane-cam...
A. Cerebral spinal fluid analysis. B. Angiography. C. Electroencephalogram. D. MRI. Meninges: The three layers of protective membranes around the brain and spinal cord are known as meninges. The innermost layer is called the pia m...
欧洲乳腺影像学会(European Society of Breast Imaging)会员 从事乳腺外科临床工作、乳腺癌普查工作、女性胸部健康科普知识的推广工作,著有《女性,挺起你的胸—乳腺外科医生手记》和《生命之乳:乳腺癌诊治康护要略》两书。 这是一部关于乳腺癌的科普书,以乳腺癌作为主体...
MRI检查的需求不断增加 其他,9% 全科医师,16% 心脏科,5% 神经科,15% 骨科,24% 急诊科,15% 整形科,16% 55%1来自于 神经科,骨科,整形科 ReasonforMRIproceduresispredominantlytodiagnosebackandjointpain,strokesymptoms,andcancerbutphysiciansalsouseMRItoexaminetheabdomen,pelvicregion,breast,blood vessels,heart...
Zinc is particularly concentrated in the prostate, pancreas, breast, and brain; these are all organs with significant secretory function [37–39]. Imaging agents that can detect pathologic alterations in zinc concentrations within these tissues may enhance the sensitivity and specificity of MRI for ...
The adaptive kernel regression makes the choice of atlas time points independently of the time points of the frames that are used as an input for the construction. The evaluation of this atlas construction method was made by mapping two new speakers to the atlas and by checking how similar ...