因此,椎间盘退变是脊柱疾病的重要表象。 磁共振成像 (MRI) 上的 T2 加权像通常用于确定椎间盘退变程度的定性[4,5]。在MRI中评估腰椎间盘退变最常用的方法是Pfirrmann分级[6] ,该方法是一种简单实用的利用椎间盘信号强度和椎间高度分为5级的定性评估方法。...
5. ChokanK, Murakami H, Endo H, Mimata Y, Yamabe D, Tsukimura I, Oikawa R, Doita M.Evaluation of Water Retention in Lumbar Intervertebral Disks Before and AfterExercise Stress With T2 Mapping. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016Apr;41(7):E430-E43...
2. Fardon DF, Williams AL, Dohring EJ, MurtaghFR, Gabriel Rothman SL, Sze GK. Lumbar disc nomenclature: version 2.0:recommendations of the combined task forces of the North American SpineSociety, the American Society of Spine Radiology, and the American Society ofNeuroradiology. Spine (Phila Pa...
SUNS,TANE T,MINTZD N,et al.Evaluation of deep learning reconstructed high-resolution 3D lumbar spine MRI[J].Eur Radiol,2022,32(9):6167-6177.DOI:10.1007/s00330-022-08708-4'>10.1007/s00330-022-08708-4'>10.1007/s00330-022-08708-4. [17] YASAKAK,TANISHIMAT,OHTAKEY,et al.Deep learning r...
spinespondylosisOBJECTIVE. Reducing lumbar spine MRI scanning time while retaining diagnostic accuracy can benefit patients and reduce health care costs. This study compares the effectiveness of a rapid lumbar MRI protocol using 3D T2-weighted sampling perfection with application- optimized contrast with ...
6、态nHIZ限局于纤椎环内限局于纤椎环内nHIZ与髓核不相连与髓核不相连n在纤维环的裂隙内在纤维环的裂隙内HIZ病理n1989年Ross MRI DPTA HIZ炎性反应,新生血管形成和肉芽组织 髓核物质位于纤维环之间发生炎性反应出现高信号 Ross,J S,et al .Gadolinium-DPTA-enhanced MR imaging of postoperative lumbar spine:tim...
6.Dosoglu M, Is M, Gezen F, et al. Posterior epiduralmigrationof a lumbar disc fragment causing cauda equina syndrome: Case report and review of the relevant literature[J]. European Spine Journal, 2001, 10(4): 348-351. 7. Foley K T, Smith M M, Rampersaud Y R, et al. Microendo...
表 1 腰椎 MRI 序列参数表 Table 1 MRI sequence parameters of lumbar spine 序列 T1WI T2WI 脂肪抑制-T2WI 方法 重复时间 回波时间 翻转角度 激励次数 回波链长 层厚 2D-快速自旋回波序列 581 ms 2D-快速自旋回波序列 3 500 ms 2D-快速自旋回波-脂肪抑制序列 3 540 ms 12 ms 75 ms 79 ms 150° 150...
TE=111 ms,矩阵=256×256。MRI 检查结果见图1,图2。图1为脊柱T2加权像矢状面,该图可见T10-T11椎间盘T2WI 信号减低,向背侧隆起,挤压脊髓(箭头),提示椎间盘脱水、钙化变性,受压脊髓表现弥散T2高信号。图2为T10~T11的T2WI 横断面,可见椎间盘低信号,向背侧膨出,脊髓腹侧受压变形,呈高信号。