function, and composition of tissues in the body.1,2The technique uses a strong magnet, radio waves, and a computer to generate detailed images of the body. In the spine, an MRI scan can reveal thorough details of the joints, muscles, tendons...
Thus, in order to improve the efficiency of the process and reduce errors in diagnosis, an automatic new vertebral compression fractures detection system (ANVCFD system) is proposed to segment the spine regions from the MRI spine images, and classify the extracted regions into five categories ...
This InfoSheet provides information about MRI images in different anatomic regions, planes and with different sequences.
最新更新 2024年10月2日 继冠状和矢状切片后,我们创建了关于MRI脑部轴向切片的新单元。 单元内共有379张MRI扫描图,在3个平面和26个解剖图示上标记了超过524个解剖结构。 本单元主要为了医生、神经解剖学和医学成像的爱好者而设,尤其是全科医生、言语病理学家、精神运动治疗师,以及神经学、神经外科、解剖学和神经...
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a noninvasive diagnostic test that takes detailed images of the soft tissues of the body. Unlike X-rays or CT, images are created by using a magnetic field, radio waves, and a computer. It allows your doctor to view your spine or brain in slices, as...
the spine. However, because of the structural limitations of MRI equipment, patient scanning has been limited to supine or prone positions without weight-bearing, which renders static images in fixed positions. Specifically, dynamic evaluation of the spine with functional loading has not been possible...
An MRI scan of the cervical spine also was performed. Sagittal and coronal T2-weighted, sagittal T1-weighted precontrast, sagittal T1-weighted postcontrast, and axial T1-weighted postcontrast images are shown below. 行颈椎MRI扫描,矢状、冠状T2WI,矢状T1WI平扫,矢状及轴位T1WI增强图像如下所示。
Spondylolisthesis and degenerative disease of the spine that has not responded to 4 weeks of conservative therapyFootnotes for conservative therapy*;or Suspected infectious process (e.g., osteomyelitis epidural abscess of the spine or soft tissue);or ...
T2-weighted images of the thoracic spine showed intramedullary high signal with flow voids suggesting dilated medullary veins. Conventional spinal angiography demonstrated a dural arteriovenous fistula draining into perimedullary veins. Perfusion-weighted MRI demonstrated a prolonged mean transit time and ...