以内侧副韧带损伤(MCL)为例,可分为Ⅲ级 Ⅰ级:MCL 扭伤,可有水肿及出血;MRI 表现为损伤区T1WI 低信号,T2WI、STIR 呈高信号,在亚急性期出血时T1WI 可显示为高信号;而MCL的形态并不发生改变,与周围组织有明显的分界,冠状面上表现为平行于骨皮质的带状低信号影。 Ⅱ级:MCL...
三、英文原文(膝盖MR成像原理及解剖):The Knee 四、英文原文(半月板分级,留意右侧的图片):MRI grading system for abnormal meniscal signal intensityGrade 1 to 3 have been described on MRI:grade 1: small focal area of hyperintensity, no extension to the articular surfacegrade 2: linear areas of hype...
Knee arthroscopy in the setting of meniscal pathology is the most common orthopedic surgery performed in the United States [1]. The meniscus is an essential structure that serves to absorb shock and increase contact area between the femur and tibia to allow for optimal load transmission and ...
Knee MRI This is an MRI of a 40 year old white female who returned to full function without pain at her six month follow up. The image on the left shows the ACL in between these yellow triangles is totally blown out. It should be nice and dark. In fact it should look like the ima...
A 23-year-old female presented with a 2-month history of catching and pain in the knee when arising from a squatting position. Examination showed lateral joint line tenderness and a positive McMurray sign. The MRI revealed a longitudinal tear in the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus. Art...
1材料与方法1.1临床资料2011年8月~2013年1月经关节镜或手术证实为半月板撕裂的患者44例,其中男36例,女8例,年龄24~66岁,低场强磁共振诊断膝关节半月板撕裂的临床应用ClinicalApplicationofLow- eldMRIintheDiagnosisofKneeMeniscusTear[摘要]目的总结分析半月板撕裂在低场强磁共振(MR)中的影像特征,探讨低场强磁共振...
Mri Of the Knee joint Indications: -Knee joint complaint Pain Trauma Swelling Osteoarthritis -suspected pathology (pervious examinations) (contrast) Inflammation Tumors Knee pain with normal MRI?! Kinematic Meniscal contusion Plicae How to know the pulse sequences T1/ PD T2 Gradient STIR ...
[26] Lecouvet F, Van Haver T, Acid S, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee: Identification of difficult-to-diagnose meniscal lesions[J]. Diagn Interv Imaging, 2018, 99(2): 55-64. [27] Couteaux V, Si-...
meniscus, with nothing at all in the expected position of the posterior horn. This pattern is more common for bucket-handle tears of the lateral meniscus. Tears flipping from the periphery into the intracondylar region of the knee appear as an extra structure adjacent to the cruciate ligaments,...
Ultimately, the image produced by the MRI is a thin slice through the knee in one of these three planes. As an example, shown here is an overview of the knee on an axial PD image on a slice through the femoral condyles. In this modality, fat and hyaline cartilage show as white, ...