Fat saturation, also known as fat suppression, is a technique used to suppress the signal from fat tissues in order to enhance the visibility of other tissues or structures of interest. Fat saturation is particularly useful in areas where fat can interfere with the interpretation of the MRI imag...
2. 轴位FS-T1WI 轴位脂肪抑制T1加权成像(axial fatsaturation T1 weighted images) 作用:①FS-T1WI是评价血管加压素存储的最佳序列,因此在探究尿崩症时高度推荐。②FS-T1WI在明确诊断鞍内Rathke囊肿方面也极为有用,即使时在伴发垂体微腺瘤的情况下。 3. DCE MRI 动态增强磁共振成像(Dynamiccontrast-enhanced magneti...
西门子MR设置非对称性回波的方法非常简单,就是在序列(Sequence)参数卡部分1(Part1)子卡的非对称回波(Asymmetric echo)选项中选择“Allowed”就可以了。图片:01.jpg 缺点非对称回波是通过缩短TR来减少扫描时间的,但是由于组织对比的需要,TR值并不能 64、任意缩小。因此,个人认为,在对扫描时间能够接受的情况下,最好...
[关键词] 磁共振成像;肝脏;脂肪抑制 [中图分类号] R445.2;R322.47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-3289(2003)01-0098-03 MechanismandSignificanceofDecreasingIntensityofHepaticSignalon Magnetic ResonanceImagingwithFatSaturationFat-SuppressionSequences LIUFan,PENGGuang-chun,LIWen-zheng,etal (Departmentof...
MRI Fat Saturation (Fat Sat, CHESS, SPIR, SPECIAL) 主页 e-MRI Improving MRI contrast: Imaging water and fat MRI Fat Saturation In the triglyceride molecules of fat, the electronic environment (shield) of the protons is not the same as that of water molecules....
根据脂肪信号所需的饱和量调整 Fat Saturation(脂肪饱和度)值。随着脂肪饱和度值的提高,会抑 制更多的脂肪: 将值设置为0.5使脂肪具有尽可能亮的强度。 将值设置为1.0使脂肪具有最暗的强度。 图6-278:带有脂肪SAT效率的典型膝盖脂肪SAT:1 = 系数 1.0,2 = 系数 0.9,3 = 系数 0.8,4 = 系数 0.7 ...
Figure 2: Intramedullary mass at the T9-T10 level with hyperintense signal on the T2 -weighted sequence (orange arrow).图2:T9-T10水平髓内肿块,T2序列呈高信号 Figure 3: Fat suppression on the STIR image (orange arrow).图3:Stir序列上脂肪被抑制...
Fat saturationGradient-echo sequencesSoft-tissue contrastAlthough the signs of complete rotator cuff tears on MRI are well established, tendinitis and partial rotator cuff tears cannot always be readily depicted. In order to optimize the soft-tissue contrast of shoulder imaging without increasing ...
Unenhanced MR examinations included a fast-spin-echo (FSE) T2-weighted sequence with fat saturation [repetition time (TR)/echo time (TE), 7,500/105], in-phase (TR/TE, 260/2.4) and out-phase (TR/TE, 260/3.2...
Fat saturation:在正式波序前先给予脂肪的氢核RF能量,使其达到saturation的状态,如此可以将脂肪的讯号消除掉。 Weighted又是瞎咪意死? 下表为MRI的圣经死背口诀,传诵已久... TE TR 短 短 T1 短 长 PD 长 长 T2 T1 effect 由于各个组织的T1值不同,回到Z轴的速度也不同,在短TR给予下一个90度RF波时,Z...