如垂体这样的小器官,基于DL重建,行1 mm薄层T1加权成像(T1-weighted imaging, T1WI)对垂体瘤检出及海绵窦侵犯的诊断效能均优于常规重建、3 mm层厚的T1WI[10,12]。扩散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging, DTI)被广泛应用于探究脑微观结构和连接,相较于传统重建模型的DTI,DL重建DTI在提升图像信噪比、减少伪影方面有...
若技术条件允许,可在梯度回波序列的基础上加做定量磁敏感成像(QSM)。 2.5 弥散张量成像(DTI) Diffusion tensor imaging 一项荟萃分析认为,SN的各向异性分数(FA)和平均扩散率(MD)既有助于识别PD,也可以评估PD的进展。DTI已被证实可用于PD与ET...
MRI新技术如测定的扩散、灌注及代谢等各种定量指标可以反映DG分子病理改变引起的一系列生理病理改变。由于IDH和1p/19q定义的DG不同类型的微观结构不同,Gao等[12]发现DTI、DKI、NODDI和平均表观传播子(mean apparent propagato,MAP)等不同...
A separate DTI data set from n=34 chimpanzees (13 to 56 years old) was collected using the optimal protocol. Age-related changes in diffusivity indices of optic nerve fibers was evaluated. Results The SS-EPI sequence acquired dMRI data of the chimpanzee brain with approximately doubled the ...
regularized along z7, with time-adjacent volumes grouped together for increased robustness14. The PAM50 template was then registered to the DWI dataset using the initial transformation from the T1w scan and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics were computed using the weighted least squares fitting...
Diffusion MRI的纤维重建算法解析--DTI,ball-and-sticks model,CSD,DSI,QBI,GQI,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
While challenging, extension of DWI to a diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) protocol using multiple gradient directions would allow calculation of the fractional anisotropy (FA) of the vessel wall microscopic fiber structure. Opriessnig et al. [74] were recently the first to apply a 2D DTI sequenc...
More recently, diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) has been studied as a new tool for diagnosing neuropathy.25The role of MRI in carpal tunnel syndrome is to exclude a potential cause for the symptoms, such as flexor tenosynovitis, or masses/cysts within the carpal tunnel.26An incidental bifid median...
The protocol included T1-MPRAGE, T2-FLAIR, resting state fMRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and arterial spin labelling (ASL). For this study, only the T1-MPRAGE image was used, which was acquired with the following parameters: TR = 2000ms, TE = 2.98ms, TI = 800ms,...