FIG 1. Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine shows a soft tissue mass destroying the posterior elements of the lower cervical spine (arrow). There are no foci of calcifications seen within this mass. 图1:颈椎侧位片示软组织肿块破坏颈椎后下部结构,肿块内无钙化点。FIG 2. Sa 11、gittal T1...
先来看看这75篇文献的分区信息。 分区 Q1【44】 Q2【4】 Q3【10】 #NA【17】 再看一下发表时间。 数据集对应的类型也很丰富: 前列腺MRI 脑MR 低剂量CT 神经成像 多模态牙科 盆腔骨骼CT 脑肿瘤 全身FDG-PET/CT 迁移学习 胶质瘤PET/CT 乳腺肿瘤 多模态 颈椎骨折CT 前列腺癌MRI 7T fMRI 前列腺MRI ……...
This article mainly reviewed multimodal MRI imaging (conventional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, voxel-based morphology, functional magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy) in the status and progress of cervical spondylosis. KEYWORDS: cervical spondylosis;chronic pain;magnetic resonance ...
参考文献: 1. Oshina M, Tanaka M, Oshima Y, TanakaS, Riew KD. Correlation and differences in cervical sagittal alignmentparameters between cervical radiographs and magnetic resonance images. Eur Spine J. Jun 2018;27(6):1408-1415.
cervical spine and knee, areas of the body where curvature can be a limiting factor. The cervical spine image is shown inFig. 4b. The improved coverage and sensitivity of flexible coil arrays are illustrated by comparing knee images inFig. 4c, taken with a single element, withFig. 4d, ...
1、胸部和全腹部门控(Gating) 人体许多部位的器官和组织都会或多或少地受呼吸.液体流动.脉搏和心跳的影响,所以在做相应部位检查的时候为了采集相对静止的图像,人们采取了一些措施,一般的方法为增加预饱和脉冲序列,其中目前主要的方法是利用“门控”。 类型主要为:呼吸触发.周围脉搏和心电门控。什么是门控? In ...
Diagnosing Spine Pain with Imaging Tests Posted on:05-May-2022 Back and neck pain is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor or go to urgent care. Experiencing back pain that doesn't go away and potentially gets worse over time can leave you stre... ...
An MRI scanner images the spine by using strong magnets that align the hydrogen atoms inside the body’s cells in the area to be studied to match the magnet’s magnetic field. Radiofrequency waves are sent to the same body part to intentionally disrupt the alignment of hydrogen atoms. ...
Objective The objective was to study characteristic MRI findings in cervical spine fractures complicating ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Technical issues related to MRI are also addressed. Materials and methods A review of 6,774 consecutive cervical spine multidetector CT (MDCT) scans obtained during 6.2...
1.5-mm thick cervical spine axial image from a 3D GRASS acquisition with TR/TE=35/15 GRASS/FISP sequences are among the oldest and simplest of the steady-state coherent gradient echo sequences. Although they are not as frequently used in their pure forms any more (having been largely ...