The two techniques that have gleaned the most information are: (1) cine magnetic resonance imaging, where moving images of the heart are obtained throughout the entire cardiac cycle in any desired orientation; and (2) velocity flow mapping that permits quantitative calculations of blood flow, ...
图示一般心室功能不全,特别是室间隔区收缩力差。 16.4.6 Quantitative Velocity and Flow Imaging 心脏的功能性成像包括血流的定量成像,这是一种评估心脏病理的有力技术,如瓣膜反流、心室分流和定量狭窄瓣膜。在最后一章中,我们解释了如何使用相位对比成像技术对移动质子群的速度进行编码。在定量速度/流量图中,我们通常...
Flow velocity imaging: “blood flow velocity” AND MRI, “blood flow pulsatility” AND MRI, 7 T. 高级结构成像 定量MRI(qMRI)测量组织的物理属性,这些属性在很大程度上独立于采集技术或扫描仪硬件。在严格意义上,qMRI包括弛豫率测量技术,用于生成T1、T2和T2*的定量图。在更广义上,也将测量其他物理属性的...
心脏成像的方式很多,需要针对特定的疾病类型确定常用的检查方式,本部分推荐的选用序列包括T1-mapping和ECV(Extracellular Volume)、T2-mapping和T2*-mapping或T2* WI、血流速度编码成像(Velocity Encoding, VENC)、早期Gd-造影增强(Early Gadolinium Enhancement, EGE)和冠状动脉MRA等,由于成像控制和分析要求高,技术不够...
75561 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for morphology and function without contrast material(s), followed by contrast material(s) and further sequences 75563 with stress imaging 75565 Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for velocity flow mapping CPT codes not covered if selection criteria are met: Whol...
AND MRI, “permeability imaging.” Cerebrovascular reactivity: cerebrovascular reactivity,”“blood oxygen level dependent “, vasodilatation AND MRI, vasoconstriction AND MRI, “carbon dioxide chal- lenge.” Flow velocity imaging: “blood flow velocity” AND MRI, “blood flow pulsatility” AND MRI, ...
Morphological and functional cardiac exploration Cine phase-contrast velocity mapping Myocardial perfusion and late enhancement imaging Coronary MR angiography ApplicationSequenceGatingBreath.PrepInj.BloodContr. MorphologyFast SE with Dark blood preparationPHDB–●T1, T2 ...
Four-dimensional phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (4D PC-MRI) allows the non-invasive acquisition of temporally resolved, three-dimensional blood flow information. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis helps to assess the cardiac function, severity of diseases and find indications of different...
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) often shows discrepancies between right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) flow and left ventricular outflow tract flow in patients with late-stage repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF), leading to potential errors in pulmonary regurgitation fraction (PRF) assessmen...
另外,通过4D Flow MRI研究颈动脉狭窄患者的侧支循环情况(一级侧支Willis环附近、二级眼动脉),继而对患者的治疗及预后做出评估,一些血管疾病的研究也可以通过对颈动脉血流动力学的研究来间接表征,如WANG等发现颈动脉Vmax(velocitymaximum, Vmax)可能是脑血管事件的烟雾病患者的独立危险因素。我们假设4D Flow MRI能在体...