Conclusion: Our study concluded that MRI brain with MRV is sensitive in diagnosing both direct signs (evidence of thrombus inside the affected veins) and indirect signs (parenchymal changes) of CVST and their follow up.doi:10.4103/0975-2870.128964SanjayM Khaladkar...
achieved another groundbreaking milestone in medical imaging. They successfully created the first transverse Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) image of a human head. This achievement opened up new possibilities for non-invasive imaging of the brain and other internal structures, providing valuable insights...
Exploring the construction of a fusion model that combines radiomics and deep learning (DL) features is of great significance for the precise preoperative diagnosis of meningioma sinus invasion.#This study retrospectively collected data from 601 patients with meningioma confirmed by surgical pathology. ...
近年来,随着MRI的应用,尤其磁共振静脉成像(magnetic resonance venography,MRV)[3]及三维颅脑容积磁共振成像(brain volume imaging,3D-BRAVO)增强扫描[4]技术的发展,尤其是三维颅脑容积磁共振成像能多方位重建图像,为该病的诊断提供了强大的保证。本文回顾性分析我院静脉窦血栓的病人,评价其MRI、MRV对于静脉窦血栓诊断...
fMRI,functional magnetic resonance imaging- a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
附完整标记的脑磁共振静脉成像 - 附有脑静脉血管区域的脑磁共振静脉造影(MRV)上的脑静脉窦和脑静脉血管解剖图
MethodsThe clinical and imaging data of 35 patients with idiopathic CVST confirmed by MR imaging combined with CE-MRV or DSA in our hospital from January 2013 to December 2018, and 35 healthy controls collected at the physical examination center at the same time period were detected. The sizes...
目的探讨MRI T2WI与三维对比增强磁共振静脉成像(3D CE-MRV)对横窦内蛛网膜颗粒(AG)的诊断价值。 方法收集解放军联勤保障部队第九〇〇医院神经外科自2016年1月至2019年4月行MRI常规扫描及3D CE-MRV检查的811例患者的影像学资料,分别记录MRI T2WI、3D CE-MRV能够显示横窦内AG的患者例数,AG的数量、大小、形态及...
’t significant .Conclusion M RI examination can offer preciser images of temporal lobe ,thus valuable and reliable evidence for some mental and neural system diseases in clinical diagnosis and treatment.[Key words ]Temporal lobe structure ;Volume measurement ;Standardized brain ;M R imaging ...