继冠状和矢状切片后,我们创建了关于MRI脑部轴向切片的新单元。 单元内共有379张MRI扫描图,在3个平面和26个解剖图示上标记了超过524个解剖结构。 本单元主要为了医生、神经解剖学和医学成像的爱好者而设,尤其是全科医生、言语病理学家、精神运动治疗师,以及神经学、神经外科、解剖学和神经科学的专业人士。 图形1 ...
在这单元里我们对脸和颈部的解剖图进行综述。我们使用薄的轴向、冠状和矢状切片进行MRI T2加权成像,图中标记了512个解剖结构。为了改善图片的清晰度,部分结构经过后期调整或加入了图板。 横断面解剖图:脸和颈部MRI 这是经过脸和颈部MRI T2加权扫描的健康人体标本,共有600张图片,图片大小为320 x 320像素。由于低对...
16、gesAnatomy of brain is better explained on T1W seq while pathologies are better studied on T2W and Proton density sequences.TISSUE CHARACTERISTICSSeq Parameters CSF Gray M WhiteM FatT1W short TR Hypo iso hyper hyper short TE T2W short TR hyper iso hypo iso / long TE hypoProton long...
Midbrain:dividedintoCere bralpedunclesandcolliculi.Supcolliculiattachedtomed.Geniculate&InftolateralGeniculatebodySurroundedbyPerimesencephaliccistern.Pons:dividedintotectumand tegmentumConnectsmidbraintomedullaMedulla:continuesasspinalcordContainsascendinganddescendingSpinaltracts Cerebellum Dividedintotwo ...
.AcuteTBIwhereneurologicfindingnotexplainedbyCT.SubacuteandchronicTBI.MRangiography(MRA)forsuspecteddissectionorothervascularinjury.Diffusion-weightedimaging(DWI)sequencesforinfarctanddiffuseaxonalinjury(DAI).Susceptibility-weightedimaging(SWI)sequencesforDAIAdvancedmodalities .Diffusiontensorimaging(DTI),MRspectroscopy,...
Neurological Disorders: MRI is often used to diagnose brain tumors, seizures, or spinal issues like intervertebral disc disease. Joint and Muscle Problems: It’s also commonly used for ligament tears, muscle injuries, and joint abnormalities that can’t be detected through other imaging techniques....
Can rate of brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis be explained by clinical and MRI characteristics? Mult Scler 2009;15:465-71.Korteweg T,Rovaris M,Neacsu V. Can rate of brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis be explained by clinical and MRI characteristics[J].MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS,2009,(04):465-471...
Routinely applied sequences are T1 Weigheted spin echo T2 Weigheted spin echo Proton density images Anatomy of brain is better explained on T1W seq while pathologies are better studied on T2W and Proton density sequences. TISSUE CHARACTERISTICS Seq Parameters CSF Gray M WhiteM Fat T1W short ...
1.5 T and 3 T MRI scans with 4 defined sequences (T2-TSE, T2-TIRM, T1-3D-MPRAGE, and TDI) were performed on a phantom with a CI (SYNCHRONY System by MED-EL Austria) in place. The resulting MRI artifacts were retrospectively compared to MRI artifacts observed in patients with a CI....
Fig. 5. Estimated fractional anisotropy, and the results of power-law fit (S/S(0) = βb−α) to the brain image. 5. Microstructure models This section explains methods that relate the diffusion signal to the features of the brain microstructure and discusses some of the applications ...