在这项研究中,研究人员主要运用了以下关键技术方法:一是采用动态对比增强磁共振成像(Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI,DCE-MRI)和滤波交换成像(Filter exchange imaging,FEXI)技术,这两种 MRI 技术能够在不损伤组织的前提下,实时、精准地监测血脑屏障(Blood-brain barrier,BBB)的变化;二是运用免疫荧光显微镜技术,该技术...
Answer to: How reliable is a CT-brain scan with contrast in showing MS lesions as enhancing lesions in the presence of a contraindication to use...
Is Mri with contrast vs without contrast your major concern? Solve your problem quick & easy with online consultation. Get your query answered 24*7 with Expert Advice and Tips from doctors for Mri with contrast vs without contrast | Practo Consult
What Is an MRI Scan Used to Diagnose? An MRI helps a doctor diagnose a disease or injury, and it can monitor how well you’re doing with a treatment. MRIs can be done on different parts of your body. Brain MRI An MRI of the brain and spinal cord can help find many things, like...
共发表SCI论文140余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在神经科学期刊Neurology、Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry、Human Brain Mapping,影像学综合期刊Radiology(2篇)、European Radiology(6篇)、Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging(6篇)和心...
What Is an MRI Scan Used to Diagnose? An MRI helps a doctor diagnose a disease or injury, and it can monitor how well you’re doing with a treatment. MRIs can be done on different parts of your body. Brain MRI An MRI of the brain and spinal cord can help find many things, like...
●Brain aneurysm clips(脑动脉瘤夹) ●Heart defibrillator or pacemaker(心脏除颤器或起搏器) ●Inner ear (cochlear) implants(内耳植入物) ●Kidney disease ordialysis(透析)(you may not be able to receive contrast) ●Recently placedartificial...
This motivates the development of methods capable of reliably classifying MRI acquisitions according to their nominal contrast type, e.g., T1 weighted, T1 post-contrast, T2 weighted, T2-weighted FLAIR, proton-density weighted. Prior studies have investigated using imaging-based methods and DICOM ...
Clinical electrical stimulation systems — such as pacemakers and deep brain stimulators (DBS) — are an increasingly common therapeutic option to treat a large range of medical conditions. Despite their remarkable success, one of the significant limitat
Using 3D VASO imaging for fMRI with CBV contrast (rather than BOLD) at 0.39 to 0.45 mm isotropic resolution showed reproducible cortical layer-dependent functional activity, revealing laminar functional organization in the brain. Due to the Nyquist theorem, conventional 0.8 mm resolutions cannot...