Several proposals have been designed throughout the years comprising a different strategy of brain segmentation. In particular, in this paper we analyse a segmentation methods used for detection and localization brain ischemic stroke. That the goal has been presented to differentiate between the lesions...
[11]Nighoghossian N,Hermier,Madeleine P.Old microbleeds are a potential risk factor for cerebral bleeding after ischemicstroke:a gradient-echo T2weighted brain MRI study[J].Stroke,2002,33(3):735~742. [12]荆彦平,张俊,高峥嵘,等.不同期别脑出血MRI诊断及信...
研究发现,约50%~65%的缺血性脑中风患者有短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA)史,TIA被认为是中风的前兆,尽管与中风有相同的病理基础(供血不足),但其严重程度和发展过程与中风并不相同。2009年美国心脏协会(American Heart Association,AHA)/美国卒中协会...
Functional MRI showed enhanced activated brain areas (arrows) in ischemic stroke patients following acupuncture at Waiguan (TE5). 功能MRI显示针刺外关穴后缺血性脑卒 中 患者 激活 增 强 的脑区 (箭头所指)。 An MRI of the brain may be ordered to...
MRI Visualization of Whole Brain Macro- and Microvascular Remodeling in a Rat Model of Ischemic Stroke: A Pilot StudyNeuroscienceDiseasesMedical researchUsing superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) as a single contrast agent, we investigated dual contrast cerebrovascular magnetic resonance imaging...
DEGUCHII,DEMBOT,YOSHIMURAS,et al.Relationship between magnetic resonance angiography-diffusion-weighted imaging mismatch and clinical outcome in endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke: subgroup analysis of the Recovery by Endovascular Salvage for Cerebral Ultra-acute Embolism--Japan Registry[J].J...
First-Ever Ischemic Stroke and Incident Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in 93 627 Older Women and Men 缺血性卒中与不良心血管事件风险独立相关。 脑钠肽与脑卒中后房颤的发现:Find-AFRANDOMISED研究的亚组分析 Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Discovery of Atrial Fibrillation After Stroke A Subanalysis of ...
Arsava EM.The role of MRI as a prognostic tool in ischemic stroke.Journal of Neurochemistry. 2012Arsava E. M. ( 2012 ) The role of MRI as a prognostic tool in ischemic stroke . J. Neurochem. 123 , 22 – 28 .ARSAVA, E. M. The role of MRI as a prognostic tool in ischemic stroke...
[11]Nighoghossian N,Hermier,Madeleine P.Old microbleeds are a potential risk factor for cerebral bleeding after ischemicstroke:a gradient-echo T2weighted brain MRI study[J].Stroke,2002,33(3):735~742. [12]荆彦平,张俊,高峥嵘,等.不同期别脑出血MRI诊断及信号变化特点[J].脑与神经疾病杂志,2016...
Expanding the concept of neuroprotection for acute ischemic stroke: The pivotal roles of reperfusion and the collateral circulation This review surveys the efforts taken to achieve clinically efficacious protection of the ischemic brain and underscores the necessity of expanding our pur... Ginsberg,D Myr...