Brain MRI On abrain MRI, we review the anatomy of thecerebral cortex(gray matter),white matter,cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),ventricles,cisternsandskull bones. Remember that, broadly speaking, in a T1w MRI fluids are dark and fat is bright, while in a T2w MRI both fat and fluids are bright...
4. Bone changes 72023/9/10 MR检查82023/9/10 MRIParticular advantages of MR imaging are that it can be performed in any plane and with various pulse sequences, and provides greater soft-tissue contrast, tissue differentiation.MRI can reveal more detailed anatomy.92023/9/10?脑髓(白)质脑皮(...
❖脑血管病(典型表现)➢脑梗死➢脑出血 ❖其他常见出血性疾病(典型表现)➢硬膜下血肿➢硬膜外血肿➢蛛网膜下腔出血 ❖脑出血及脑梗死的不典型表现 2 2020/7/4 CT检查 3 2020/7/4 CT检查 ❖一、脑CT检查方法:❖1.平扫多以眦耳线(眼外眦与外耳道中心连线)为基线,依次向上平行扫描,...