(Thoracic Malignancy II Beyond Non-small Cell Lung) 1:00:49 Dual- and Multi-energy CT of the Abdomen and Pelvis 1:02:07 GU Tumor Boards How to Bring Value and Become Indispensable 59:42 Interactive Case-based Review of Crazy OBGYN Cases 59:36 Non-traumatic Musculoskeletal Emergencies 54:...
The MRI helps the doctor examine areas of your body like your chest, abdomen, internal organs and pelvis. They don’t use a contrast material in every MRI. Also, MRIs tend to have a bigger area for the doctor to examine instead of simply a single vessel or vein. ...
Doctors also use MRIs and CT scans for different reasons. A CT scan is very helpful in diagnosing severe injuries of the chest, head, spine or abdomen, particularly fractures. They’re also useful in pinpointing the location and size of tumors. ...
Objective To assess the value of magnetic resonance imaging for acute pancreatitis.Methods 77 patients of acute pancreatitis were examined with holding breath MRI sequence.Transverse scan:2D Flash T 1WI/T 1W+FS,TSE T 2WI+FS or HASTE+FS,Trufisp.Coronals scan:2D Flash T 1W+FS.MRCP was used...
This section of the website will explain how to plan for magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) scans, protocols for MRCP, how to position for MRCP spine and indications for MRCP
For some tumors, a dedicated benefit of PET/MRI is represented in the potential for a combined one-stop-shop modality and in the comprehensive TNM staging plus potentially improved N staging in the abdomen (i.e., pancreatic, colorectal, and gynecologic cancers). Defined PET/MRI protocols need...
胰 腺形态大小正 常,未见局限性异常回声, 囊炎.后经 MRCP 及手术证实. 主胰管 未见扩张. 超声诊断:①先天性 讨论 先天性胆管扩张症是一种较 胆管扩张症伴胆总管结石 ;②结石性胆 少见的先 天性胆道疾病,病因尚不十分 明确,有人认为与常染色体隐性遗传有 [作者简介]张 俊 (1976- ),男,河南人,本科, ...
The development of a 5.0 T whole-body MRI scanner represents a milestone as it is the first to facilitate ultra-high field MRI for the upper abdomen [9]. Initial studies involving a small cohort of healthy volunteers have indicated its potential in pancreatic imaging, yielding results on par ...