Specifically designed to help candidates revise for the MRCS exam, this book features 350 Single Best Answer multiple choice questions, covering the whole syllabus. Containing everything candidates need to pass the MRCS Part A SBA section of the exam, it focuses intensively on the application of ...
Specifically designed to help candidates revise for the MRCS exam, this book features 350 Single Best Answer multiple choice questions, covering the whole syllabus. Containing everything candidates need to pass the MRCS Part A SBA section of the exam, it focuses intensi...
Specifically designed to help candidates revise for the MRCS exam, this book features 250 extended matching questions divided into 96 themes, covering the whole syllabus. Containing everything candidates need to pass the MRCS Part A EMQ section of the exam, the book focuses intensively on topics ...
The MRCS exam has two written parts. The two parts concentrate on separate areas of the syllabus, but have plenty of overlap. The most obvious difference is the question format. Part 1, applied 鈥British Medical Journal Publishing GroupBMJ...