with final diagnosis.Fisher exact tests and Pearson 脳 2 tests were performed.RESULTS:Pancreatitis was demonstrated at MRCP and MRI in 173 cases(38 cases with and 135 cases without divisum)among the 1439 consecutive cases.The recurrent acute pancreatitis accounted for 55.26%(21 of 38)in ...
Pancrelipase systemic is used for chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic exocrine dysfunction Reviews & ratings 6.7 / 10 90 Reviews View more What will happen during MRCP?You will lie on a narrow table. You may be given earplugs or headphones to decrease the noise of the MRI. The...
登录 注册 待分类 > 待分类 > 磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)对十二指肠乳头旁憩室的诊断价值 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 209阅读文档大小:5.26M116页qk84686上传于2016-02-28格式:PDF
【Key words】pancreatic cancer;chronic pancreatitis;mass type MRCP 前言 胰腺癌与肿块型慢性胰腺炎的鉴别诊断迄今仍是临床工作的难题之一,两者无论是临床表现还是影像学表现都非常相似,鉴别诊断十分困难,胰腺癌的根治性手术存在创伤大、操作复杂、并发症多、死亡率高等特点,因此外科医师都迫切地希望在行胰腺癌根治性手...
reviewed.Tworeaderswithexperiencein MRIdiagnosisanalyzedtheima- gesblindlybyconsensusinthreesteps(MRCPimagesalone,MRCPimageswithunenhanced MRimages,and MRCPima- geswithunenhancedanddynamicenhancedimages).Theresults werecorrelated withsurgery,biopsyorclinicdiagnosis, andthencomparedwitheachother.Results Thediscrepancy...
The MRCP test is less invasive thanendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP). It can be used to help diagnose health conditions likegallstonesandpancreatitis. The MRCP can also be used to look for structural or functional issues that develop in a fetus (prenatally), as well as surgical...
The detection of bile duct stones in suspected biliary pancreatitis: comparison of MRCP, ERCP, and intraductal US. Early ERCP and endoscopic sphincterotomy for stone extraction can benefit the prognosis in patients with severe biliary pancreatitis, but are associated wi... J Moon,S Cha,Y Cheon,...
MRCP could display clearly the location of low choledochal joint, and the patients with complications involved 4 ones with cholecystolithiasis, 5 ones with cholangiolithiasis, 15 ones with cholecystolithiasis and cholangiolithi-asis, 3 ones with Mirizz syndrome, 2 ones with pancreatitis, 1 ...
Patients amp; Methods: We used an MR machine with a 1.5 tesla magnet. Oral pineapple juice was used to suppress water signal in the duodenal loop. Results: Sixty-eight patients were admitted, 28 men and 40 women. Mean age was 48, with oldest and youngest of 83 and 15, respectively. ...
Methods:ToanalyzeMRIandMRCPfeaturesof25caseswithpancreatichead carcinomaconfirmedbyoperation andpathology,SEsequenceswithTlWIandfatsaturation,FSEwithT2W1we reperformed.Results:Pancreatic headcarcinomawerediagnosedcorrectlybyMRCPin24(96)cases,andlcase wasmisdiagnosedaschronic pancreatitis.MRCPofallcasesdemonstrated...