Pancreatic cancer detection with a non-contrast MR protocol: is it reliable? Article Open access 29 July 2023 References Kromrey ML, Bülow R, Hübner J, et al. Prospective study on the incidence, prevalence and 5-year pancreatic-related mortality of pancreatic cysts in a population-based st...
Our protocol included conventional heavily T2- weighted MR cholangiography and three- dimensional T1- weighted MR cholangiography after an intravenous bolus injection of mangafodipir trisodium. All studies were performed on a 1.5- T or 1- T scanner. Contrast- enhanced MR cholangiograms were ...
The contrast agent is usually a liquid that is injected slowly through the IV. During the scan, I would need to lie still and follow the technologist's instructions. The MRI machine makes loud knocking and buzzing noises, but earplugs or headphoneswith music can be provided to help me ...
2-dimensionalsingle-sliceprotocolandmulti-thin-sectionprotocolwith MIPreformationfor3Dimages;groupthree:underwent2-dimensionalsingle-sliceacquisitionplusanti-spasmodicsinjectionandgroup four:underwent2-dimensionalsingle-sliceapproachwithoralferroussulfatesugarliquid.Bileandpancreaticductsweredividedintoten segmentsand...
You should not have any side effects from the MRCP scan itself. However, if you got contrast dye during the scan, you will be given instructions about what to do to help clear it out of your body. This usually involves drinking plenty of fluids for the rest of the day.6 ...
Three minutes after intravenous administration of secretin, post-contrast computed tomography scans were performed 40, 80, and 180s after contrast medium injection. MR protocol included axial/coronal, thin/thick-slab, single-shot T2w sequences and axial/coronal T1w breath-hold spoiled gradient-echo...
MRI/MRCP is superior to MDCT in the detection and characterization of IPMN. Since branch duct IPMN (BD-IPMN) is relatively common, imaging findings of BD-IPMN may overlap those of other pancreatic cysts. Especially when MDCT or MRI/MRCP fail to demonstrate communication with the main pancreatic...
Readme for MRCP4J v0.2 === Overview --- MRCP4J provides a Java API that encapsulates the MRCPv2 protocol and can be used to implement MRCPv2 clients and/or servers. Prerequisites --- MRCP4J requires JDK 5.0 or higher which can be downloaded here:
The standard CT protocol for the evaluation of pancreatic lesions is multiphase CT, including arterial and portal venous phases. MRI is also a useful modality for the evaluation of cystic pancreatic lesions and offers better soft tissue contrast compared to CT. Imaging plays a critical role in ...
Wallner BK, Schumacher KA, Weidenmaier W, et al (1991) Dilated biliary tract: evaluation with MR cholangiography with a T2-weighted contrast-enhanced fast sequence. Radiology 181:805-808. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Bhat M, Romagnuolo J, da Silveira E, et al (2013) Randomised clini...