MRCP Part 1 revision Our well-established MRCP question bank contains over 4,900 best-of-five questions. Only 37% of candidates pass at each sitting. Passmedicine will help candidates become familiar with these common MRCP themes. Other key features include: Compare your performance to other ...
MRCP Part 2 Written revision Our MRCP Part 2 question bank builds on the success of our MRCP Part 1 resource. It features over 2,600 single best answer (SBA) questions, covering the whole of the UK Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training. In keeping with the MRCP Part 2 ...
In stations 1 and 4, candidates must take a thorough and systematic history, identify patient concerns, and agree on a management plan in no more than 10 minutes. These stations no longer include a question-and-answer section with the examiners. Instead, the encounter will be judged on observ...