EK Vanhoutte, CG Faber, ISJ Merkies - Muscle & nerve, 2012 - onlinelibrary.wiley.com We have read with great enthusiasm the paper by Hermans et al. 1 A 'good'interobserver agreement on the six muscle-pairs MRC sum-score was found in patients admitted to the intensive-care unit. A ...
MRC sum-score in the ICU: Good reliability does not necessarily reflect "true reliability" First, the MRC grades and sum-scores are ordinal classical test theory based.3 Despite being seemingly easily applicable, the use of the MRC numbering grad... EK Vanhoutte,CG Faber,ISJ Merkies - 《Mus...
Results: Hand grip strength (p = 0.03), hand motor function (p = 0.04) as assessed by a sub-score of the Revised Upper Limb Module (RULM) and the Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score (p = 0.04) improved significantly at month 14. Importantly, the MRC sum score had declined ...
We performed a comparison between NISsensory versus the mISS, and NISmotor versus the MRCsumscore in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and IgM monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance related polyneuropathy (MGUSP). ...
早期趋势是段落和问题之间基于注意的各种交互,包括:attention sum,Gated Attention,Self-matching,BiDAF Attention,Attention over Attention和Co-match Attention。 在基于Transformer的backbones时代,一些工作还研究了基于注意力的段落和问题的交互,例如双重协同匹配注意。图8给出了考虑三种可能序列的完全匹配模式:段落(P),...
最后,用每个query-to-document attention和刚刚得到的query-level attention做点乘,得到document中每个词的score。 s=αTβs=αTβ 与Attentive Sum Reader类似,最后预测答案词的方式是将同类型的词的分数累加,得分最高的词即为答案,下式中,V为词表: P(w|q,d)=∑i∈I(w,d)si, w∈VP(w|q,d)=∑i∈...
F1 Score F1是分类任务常用的评价指标. 对MRC任务而言, 候选答案(candidate)和参考答案(reference)都可以看做是bag of tokens. True positive(TP), false positive(FP), true negative(TN) and false negative(FN)的意义如下: 计算precision 和 recall: ...
cc = self.edgefinder.convolve(image=cc)#cc = imagefun.zscore(smooth)#cc = imagefun.zscore(cc)self.__update_result('correlation', cc)ifself.save_mrc: mrc.write(cc,'correlation.mrc') 开发者ID:spartango,项目名称:LeginonSpots,代码行数:26,代码来源:holedepthback.py ...
Fig. 4. Overall survival by metastatic site, Gleason-sum score category, World Health Organization performance status, and age at randomisation. WHO PS = World Health Organization performance status. In multivariate models, presence of bone metastases regardless of soft tissue metastases, worse WHO pe...
"" if not scores: return [] max_score = None for score in scores: if max_score is None or score > max_score: max_score = score exp_scores = [] total_sum = 0.0 for score in scores: x = math.exp(score - max_score) exp_scores.append(x) total_sum += x probs = [] for ...