MRC 7000 A general purpose, microcontroller based,oneor two pen, 10" circular chart recorder available in fourversions;basic recorder, limit recorder, recording controller, andrecordingprofile controller. The controller is capable ofcontrolling anyprocess from simple on/off to dual 4-20mA outputswith...
Partlow MRC 5000 & 7000 Chart Recorders record data logged over a period of time required for regulation and certification or analysis and intel re an app's efficiency. Temperature or process profile data is recorded from a variety of process application
Round chart recorder Record and print test data into round chart . Test period 1hour / 4 hours /12hours/ 24 hours. Pressure sensor range 100 MPA. Recorder spare parts 100 paper chart, Spare print record bar Equipment Weight:...
MRC7800→WWW.TPLCN.COM,60500401,60500402,ARC4100,MRC5000,MRC5500,MRC7000,MRC7700,MRC7800,MRC 8000,MRC9000,MRC9400 MRC7800的详细介绍 Partlow MRC7800 A special purpose, microcontrollerbased,oneor two pen, 10" circular chart recorder for flowapplicationswithan 8 digit display to totals. Input ...