Inventory Value has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1. Finished Goods means units of a manufactured product awaiting sale. Finished Lots Entitled Land with respect to which (a) development has been completed to such an extent that permits to allow use and construction, including building, sani...
In the first scenario, a management strategy of no water trades (NWTs) is assumed, meaning that there are no water transfers between different regions. Secondly, water banking (WB) is incorporated as a management strategy, allowing users to voluntarily save their excess water or sell it to ...
Joint learning of words and meaning representations for open-text semantic parsing. Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2012: 127-135. (UM) Bordes A, Weston J, Collobert R, et al. Learning structured embeddings of knowledge bases. AAAI. 2011. (SE) Mikolov T, Sutskever I, Chen K, et ...