More Than a Trickle of Interest in Blood Substitutes WILL ARTIFICIAL red blood cells one day replace the genuine article? The answer seems to be a carefully qualified yes, and only in certain circumstances. Marwick,Charles - 《Jama》 被引量: 29发表: 1994年 Boosting tower performance by more ...
摘要: 本发明公开了一种治疗热毒痈肿的保健药酒,其特征在于,采用的原料分别是:马齿苋,贯众,菟丝子,金银花,绿豆衣,大蒜,独活,白芷,白酒.其特征在于,其制备方法是,将所述原料捣碎,入布袋,置容器中,加入白酒,密封,浸泡21日后过滤去渣即成.本发明提供一种具有清热凉血,祛风除湿,消肿止痛等功效的保健药酒;用于治疗热...
摘要: 研究了一类具有潜伏期的无免疫型传染病动力学模型,用摄动理论讨论分析了相应的非线性系统,得到了不同群体生存变化的渐近表达式,从而揭示了各种作用对不同群体生存影响的规律.本文的研究为解决一些类型的非线性模型提供了一种有效的方法.关键词:无免疫型传染病 潜伏期 动力学模型 渐近分析 摄动 ...
Focuses on 401(K) retirement plans in the United States. Indication that persons in the US are not take advantage of these plans; Comments from Noel Maye, spokesman for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, based in Denver, Colorado; Percentage of persons who invest in 401(K) ...