I am building my own openwrt I am building my own openwrt package and going the inverse path.. Instead of remobing packages i start at the bare minimum and add only what i need... Id like to have the interface (gui) installed... Currently i have 3 megs free and will have to ad...
The custom firmware we will be using is based on OpenWRT, which is a fully capable open source router operation system. Flashing this custom firmware will still allow you to use your TL-MR3040 as a normal access point, however the functionalities may not match exactly. You should consider ...
TP-LINK TL-MR3040 自带电池无线路由,支持3G/4G无线网络,原价$49.99,现仅售$32.31,购满$35或亚马逊高级会员免运费。此价接近Amazon的历史最低价$29.99。目前其它商家售价至少在$34以上! 此款路由自带充电电池,在使用时无需使用其它电源就可以续航4个多小时。带有以太网接口,可以当作一般的路由器使用,比如在宾馆将...