品牌/型号:OSRAM/欧司朗/12V 35W/50W 功率:36W以上 额定电压:230(V)V 型号:12V 35W/50W 类型:照明卤钨灯泡 玻壳外径:51(mm)mm 灯头型号:GU5.3 寿命:2000(h)h 品牌:OSRAM/欧司朗 是否提供加工定制:否 供应商信息 艾丹 地址: 济南市天桥区北园大街748号中恒商城D2001号(全国统一热线:4000-888-180) ...
主要经营:飞利浦 PHILIPS ; 欧司朗 OSRAM ; 金卤灯 ; 电子镇流器 ; 筒灯 ; 钠灯 ; 泛光灯 广州市永登照明电器有限公司位于珠三角交通枢纽——广州市,专业经销世界级照明品牌:荷兰飞利浦(PHILIPS)、德国欧司朗(OSRAM)。价格优惠。产品系列涵盖:商业、办公、广告、道路、车站、码头、隧道 ... ...
25W 35W Adjustable Beam LED Track Spotlight with Osram Chips, Find Details and Price about Mr16LED Module Spotlight 9W LED Bulb Spotlight from 25W 35W Adjustable Beam LED Track Spotlight with Osram Chips - Guangdong Benhao Trading Co., Ltd.
Performance** With a lifespan of 2000 hours, the OSRAM DECOSTAR 51S bulb is engineered to provide consistent lighting for an extended period. This means fewer replacements and less downtime for your computer setup. The bulb's GU5.3 base ensures compatibility with a variety of MR16 light ...
Performance** With a lifespan of 2000 hours, the OSRAM DECOSTAR 51S bulb is engineered to provide consistent lighting for an extended period. This means fewer replacements and less downtime for your computer setup. The bulb's GU5.3 base ensures compatibility with a variety of MR16 light ...