R package for performing 2-sample MR using MR-Base database mrcieu.github.io/TwoSampleMR Resources Readme License Unknown, MIT licenses found Activity Custom properties Stars 469stars Watchers 28watching Forks 180forks Report repository Releases19 ...
Get right to it... view theimage database! Peruse clinically relevantnon-image datarelated to the cases in the database. Scope and Purposeof this database. Frequently askedquestions. What's newin the database. Glossaryof terms used.
还有大量最新野生GWAS结果未被收录到IEU GWAS database。同时,如果研究人员已先行进行了对某个新表型的GWAS分析,也存在后续进行MR分析的需求。 对于尚未被IEU GWAS database收录的GWAS表型,无论是作为exposure还是outcome,普通TwoSampleMR中的三行代码分析流程已不再适用,需要我们自行清理本地GWAS结果以匹配TwoSampleMR...
Although the widespread use of the term "Big Data" is comparatively recent, it invokes aphenomenon in the developments of database technology with distinct historical contexts. The database engineer Jim Gray, known as "Mr. Database" in Silicon Valley before his disappearance at sea in 2007, ...
We have curated complete summary data from 1094 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on diseases and other complex traits into a centralised database, and developed an analytical platform that uses these data to perform Mendelian randomization (MR) tests and sensitivity analyses (MR-Base, http:/...
Oracle RAC RDS interconnect,传统的RAC内部互联大部分都是基于普通网络实现的,目前最为普及的是百兆和千兆网络,最快的也就是尚不普及的万兆网。由于普通网络的速度限制,在需要频繁进行内部通信的多节点RAC数据库中性能就无法得到保证。正是基于这一点,Oracle和Qlogic
摘要:. net start mysql --启动mysql. mysql -u 用户名 -p 密码 --登陆. show databases --显示数据库.use databaseName --使用当前数据库.alter tableName add colName colType,addcolName...阅读全文 posted @2014-04-16 12:01mr.g.阅读(124)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 ...
MRI implant information
Oracle Database Server, 版本中,Portable Clusterware组件存在安全漏洞,远程用户利用此漏洞可影响可用性。 <*来源:Oracle 链接:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/security-advisory/cpujul2016-2881720.html *> 解决方法 厂商补丁:
R package for performing 2-sample MR using MR-Base database mrcieu.github.io/TwoSampleMR Resources Readme License Unknown, MIT licenses found Citation Cite this repository Activity Custom properties Stars 470stars Watchers 28watching Forks