Mr. Smith Goes to Washington: Directed by Frank Capra. With Jean Arthur, James Stewart, Claude Rains, Edward Arnold. A naive youth leader is appointed to fill a vacancy in the U.S. Senate. His idealistic plans promptly collide with corruption at home and
在复杂的政坛中,他坚守原则,与各方势力展开斗争,展现了小人物也能在大舞台上发挥巨大影响力的励志故事。 我这里有一份它的高清无删减的已完结完整版全集,点击[【1939】史密斯先生到华盛顿.Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.mp4]来在线观看吧~
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1962–1963) TV Series | 30 min | Comedy Edit page Add to list Track A rural state's senator dies and inexperienced Eugene Smith is appointed. Smith moves with wife Pat and sage Uncle Cooter. The new politician relies on chaffeur Arnie for Washington advice ...
Mr.SmithgoestoWashington (Drama)(1939) ©2002byRaymondWeschler MajorCharacters Jefferson(Jeff)Smith………..JamesStewart Alikeable,innocentandidealisticyoungmanwhoiswellknowninhis stateforpromotingboys’summercamps.HeischosenbytheGovernorto becomeaSenatorafterthestate’sseniorSenatordies. SenatorJoePaine…...
《Mr Smith Goes To Washington 1939 史密斯先生到华盛顿 史密斯先生上美京 民主万岁》英文字幕 热度: Looking for Mr. Goodbar《寻找顾巴先生(1977)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: Mr. & Mrs. Smith《史密斯夫妇(2024)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本
史密斯先生到华盛顿 MR SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON怎么样 答案 表面上看,这是个关于美国政治的故事,但实际上,影片借国会大厦的故事所要表达的并不只是政治,更有人生与信仰.只不过,从政治视角来讲这个道理更鲜明、更震撼.用政治作为寓言的载体,注定是我们这里想都不要想的创意.三四十年的代詹姆斯斯图尔特,1米91的身...
斯图尔特真的人生赢家,看他这么多电影演的全是正面英雄人物 翻转也过于理想化了 我以为是Smith在这些...
Runtime 1hour21minutes Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page List IMDb's Guide to TV in 2025 See the guide Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
美国的一个小镇,Jefferson Smith(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart饰)是当地的童子军的首领,深受青少年们的喜爱,被选为新的参议员,来到了华盛顿。遇到了他父亲的老朋友,同为参议员的Joseph Paine(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains饰),并且迷上了Joseph的漂亮女儿。单纯的Jefferson从来没来过华盛顿,在华盛顿闹了不少笑话,...