Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Directed by Doug Liman. With Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Adam Brody. A husband and wife struggle to keep their marriage alive until they realize they are both secretly working as assassins. Now, their respective assignments
See Mr. and Mrs. Smith's production, company, and contact information. Explore Mr. and Mrs. Smith's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith have a son. His name is Jack. Jack is only three years old. He is very lovely, and he always asks his parents questions. One day, Mr. Smith is reading a book on the sofa in his room. And he lies a banana in his hand. He likes to eat a banana wh...
Smith《史密斯夫妇(2024)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 所以 你们俩共事? So, you two work together? 约翰觉得... John's under the impression 简 你快乐吗? 我们的老板喜欢我 that our boss favors me. 我很快乐 约翰是个很棒的搭档 很好 我们看到你在进步 Well, he ...
Smith's hand and asks,"Dad, what's this?" But Mr. Smith doesn't hear him,so he doesn't answer him. Then Jack goes up to Mr. Smith, shakes(摇动)his leg and asks, "What's this,Dad?" "It's a leg, " answers Mr. Smith. Then Jack goes out of the room and says to Mrs....
Smith《史密斯夫妇(2024)》第一季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 我应该把话说清楚 我来不是为了谈恋爱的 I should be clear: I'm not in this for the romance. 只是一个耳机 It's just... an earpiece. 你看上去美极了 You look nice. 谢谢 你也是 Thank you. So do you. ...
新增的Mr & Mrs Smith精选酒店和别墅与凯悦近期宣布的超过35家在建奢华酒店项目相辅相成,这些项目涵盖了凯悦的永恒经典系列、创意无限系列、独立品牌系列和畅享度假系列品牌,体现凯悦对当今奢华旅客与其身心健康的高度重视与关爱。欲了解更多关于Mr & Mrs Smith纳入凯悦天地计划的积分赚取及兑换信息,请访问
史密斯夫妇(Mr._and_Mrs._Smith)2005_中英对照_台词本_单词标注 热度: 你炸了我的小屋 Youblewupmycottage. 你没先跟我商量就买♥♥了一栋房♥子 Youboughtahousewithouttalkingaboutittomefirst. 你不能那样任意妄为这次没失败是我们运气好 Youcan'tgoroguelikethat.We'reluckywedidn'tgetanotherfail. ...
文章大意:文章讲的是Smith先生有一个三岁的儿子Jack,他非常喜欢问问题。一天,Smith先生手拿香蕉读书,Jack晃着他的腿问是什么,Smith先生以为孩子问的是腿,故说是腿,Jack就去Smith夫人那说想吃腿。听完之后,他的父母大声地笑了起来。【小题1】细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一行“Jack is only three years old...