游戏方面:《死亡秘圈(Dead Secret Circle)》、《宠物实验室(Pet Lab)》、密室逃脱游戏《V-VR(Virtual Virtual Reality)》、《半岛电视台(Contrast VR)》、科幻射击游戏《Anshar Online》、款街机风格的快节奏FPS游戏《太空牛仔(Arcslinger)》、《国际空间站旅游VR(International Space Station Tour)》等。...
近日,开发商 Peanut Button 宣布了其 VR 冒险游戏《Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye》完整版和 MR 衍生作品《Retropolis dot.Line》的发布日期。据悉,《Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye》是 VR 点击式冒险游戏《The Secret of Retropolis》的续作,于去年 6 月推出抢先体验版。该游戏背景设定在《The Secret of...
In medical health, VR has allowed surgeons and medical students to practice complex procedures in highly realistic simulations.Immersive realism has been applied to patient rehabilitation as well. Medical researchers are discovering that VR may hold the secret to restoring feelings in patients who lost...
《Metal: Hellsinger VR》官方发售日宣传片 00:55 《Into Black》发布宣传片 | Meta Quest 00:52 Quest 3 独占 MR 游戏《Starship Home》完整宣传片 | Meta Quest 3 01:27 VR 卡丁车游戏《Galaxy Kart VR》宣传片 | Meta Quest 01:12 多人竞技射击游戏《Vail》发布更新 The Citadel | Meta Quest...
The Secret of Success how Company X went from an office revolt to one of the top 50 employers TIME time is the most valuable resource. saving on commute can shave off 20% of a work day TRUST when you remove age, gender, race, religion from the equation, we are all equally human ...
InnerspaceVR是《A Fisherman's Tale》、《Another Fisherman's Tale》和《Maskmaker》的开发商,近日宣布其下一款VR游戏《One True Path》将于本月晚些时候登陆Meta Quest 3和PCVR头显。《玩具熊的五夜后宫》系列新作将于2025年登陆PS VR2 《Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of the Mimic》是知名VR恐怖游戏...
孩之宝旗下的游戏工作室Secret Location宣布,由于母公司一些变动,工作室将关闭,旗下多人射击VR游戏《NERF Ultimate Championship》也将于8月31日关服。 VR|Gym Class推NBA周边 IRL Studios与NBA达成合作,为旗下VR篮球游戏《Gym Class》推出NBA官方授权的虚拟球场、标志和虚拟服装。该公司看好NBA大IP对粉丝的影响力,...
Secret Location宣布,由于母公司的变动,该工作室将关闭,旗下多人VR射击游戏《NERF Ultimate Championship》也将于8月31日关服。 Secret Location在官方声明中表示,怀着沉重的心情,我们决定停止对游戏和未来任何内容的支持。做出这样的选择并不容易,但随着我们母公司最近的变化,Secret Location将作为工作室关闭,我们将不...
Prevents data from being snooped even if a cracker compromises a session’s secret keys Unbreakable 128-Bit Encryption Creates an active defense against security threats and intruders †Maximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Up to 300 de...
InnerspaceVR是《A Fisherman's Tale》、《Another Fisherman's Tale》和《Maskmaker》的开发商,近日宣布其下一款VR游戏《One True Path》将于本月晚些时候登陆Meta Quest 3和PCVR头显。 《玩具熊的五夜后宫》系列新作将于2025年登陆PS VR2 《Five Nights at Freddy's: Secret of the Mimic》是知名VR恐怖游...