Kdrama Kisses Search Tag:Mr. Queen Korean Drama Update for March 2021 Mr. Queen Korean Drama Review December Has New Kdramas on the Way to Viki Soon to Premiere “Mr. Queen” Releases New Trailers Humorous New Trailers are Out for “Mr. Queen”...
Yes. 1851 was when the King (Cheoljong) in this drama married the Queen. I don't remember the cheese making, maybe that's a later ep? (This is as far as I've gotten in this show as of this writing.) This recap covers the episode with milk for the porridge I think. Honestly,...
In this 50-episode KBS family weekender, a top actress rises from obscurity to escape her life of poverty. But after a scandal causes her to fall from grace, she connects with a pure-hearted PD on the set of her latest drama, and her life just might change. ...
「20組超強卡司、重量級國際嘉賓」10大節目重點一次掌握 Netflix《重症外傷中心》重啟熱血醫療劇熱潮?6大劇情亮點一次掌握 隱藏在《後宮甄嬛傳》結局裡的20種通透人生觀:別人幫你是情分,不幫你是本分! Netflix《單身即地獄4》新成員海潾加入引危機!15位成員IG、背景一次掌握 廣告- 內文未完請往下捲動...
「能在生活中遇見你是我的幸運!」蜘蛛人湯姆霍蘭德傳成功求婚Zendaya,盤點6句兩人的甜蜜戀愛金句 設定了新年目標卻總是無疾而終?專家教你2025新年目標設定心法 「人生會經歷很多艱難時刻,但也會讓你意識到以前不曾在意的好時光。」12句關於人生的電影語錄 ...
tvN drama 申惠善、金正鉉(金正賢)主演的韓劇《哲仁王后》,改編自中國網路劇《太子妃升職記》穿越加上爆笑元素大獲好評,2月14日播出結局更刷新自身收視紀錄,成績非常亮眼!《哲仁王后》第20集結局評價兩極,但2集番外篇人氣相當高、討論超熱烈,讓意猶未盡的觀眾都表示很滿足,本劇結局的亮點和番外篇彩蛋大整理,趕...
Carolina August 1, 2018 at 7:50 AM I hope he hugs her back in the next episode. 1 1 reply Linda Palapala August 1, 2018 at 8:57 AM I've been trying to figure out the one-sided hug bit in kdramaland. Could it be the person not hugging at first is unsure of his/her fee...
That's why... you guys dreamed too much about the male lead. Just be grateful that LJW is someone who can act. All you have to worry is about the story. Pray that it will be good. It's hard to trust K-drama these days with good casts in it. Goodluck, Mr Black. 0 3 ...
Now there are two problems: K-drama is even more misogynic than C-drama and MCW really doesn't do "victim" very well. She would have an episode or two where she can play off her strengths, the rest would be a waste. (As for the foolish part: Ruoxi runs eyes wide open towards ...
That theory about him being the queen's reincarnation intrigues me as well. I'm excited to see which theories hold Show full comment 16 1 reply KdramaAhjumma January 26, 2021 at 4:41 AM Lady Choi is definitely AMAZING!!! Kudos to the actor! Her facial expression is so on point...