Kdrama Kisses Search Tag:Mr. Queen Korean Drama Update for March 2021 Mr. Queen Korean Drama Review December Has New Kdramas on the Way to Viki Soon to Premiere “Mr. Queen” Releases New Trailers Humorous New Trailers are Out for “Mr. Queen”...
Lily left the valley January 25, 2021 at 1:50 AM Yes. 1851 was when the King (Cheoljong) in this drama married the Queen. I don't remember the cheese making, maybe that's a later ep? (This is as far as I've gotten in this show as of this writing.) This recap covers the...
Kdrama is not the only way an actor works in Korea. She was one of "the leads" in one of the most controversial about and critically acclaimed Korean movies in recent years, The Handmaid. None of the people in this drama are considered "hack actors". There are no idols in this one ...
「20組超強卡司、重量級國際嘉賓」10大節目重點一次掌握 Netflix《重症外傷中心》重啟熱血醫療劇熱潮?6大劇情亮點一次掌握 隱藏在《後宮甄嬛傳》結局裡的20種通透人生觀:別人幫你是情分,不幫你是本分! Netflix《單身即地獄4》新成員海潾加入引危機!15位成員IG、背景一次掌握 廣告- 內文未完請往下捲動...
「你此刻在做的事可能是你人生的重大突破」黃仁勳給年輕人的5句成功箴言,2025擺脫迷惘迎向成功 「能在生活中遇見你是我的幸運!」蜘蛛人湯姆霍蘭德傳成功求婚Zendaya,盤點6句兩人的甜蜜戀愛金句 設定了新年目標卻總是無疾而終?專家教你2025新年目標設定心法 ...
That theory about him being the queen's reincarnation intrigues me as well. I'm excited to see which theories hold Show full comment 16 1 reply KdramaAhjumma January 26, 2021 at 4:41 AM Lady Choi is definitely AMAZING!!! Kudos to the actor! Her facial expression is so on point...
Whatever fear she feels, I think it's a mirror of what she thought she'd do had she been in the Queen's shoes, so it's a well-deserved fear. Guess little So-yong was the one crying saying it was her fault, when the one who actually told was little Hwa-jin? Because kdrama ...
3 KdramaAhjumma January 18, 2021 at 10:55 PM UNREGISTERED My heart fluttered during the letter-writing scenes - the look on the King’s face when he was pondering over the Queen’s letters did something to my heart. So far I have been rather neutral towards the King, I was neithe...
This, for me, is one of the most interesting ideas in the drama and it feels disappointing not to have it addressed much. Still loving the hi-jinks between the king and queen (although I have no idea where we're going with it all): the moment when SY was about the touch the king...