As Ae-shin finds her way to the Righteous Army hideout, she’s met with a few threatening Japanese men who wonder why a Joseon woman would dare to enter Japan alone. She scans her surroundings for any weapons and pushes past the men to break a broom to use for defense. But before ...
I love maths, and I flipping love jokes and puns, so when you put the two together, I am in heaven. Here you will find a collection of my favourite maths jokes and puns. One for every occasion, even a collection of mathematics chat-up lines for when you meet the girl/boy of your...
Mr. Met got into some hot water last night as he was filmed flipping off a fan after theMetslost to the Brewers 7-1. The New York Mets mascot who you can recognize from hisbaseball-shaped head was caught in the act and a video by Tony T. (@tonyt3535) triggered an immediate respon...