takes the jerk out of you trailer ride, starting and stopping, and smooth across railroad tracks. Having the gooseneck cushion in your truck bed, lets you use it on all your gooseneck trailers. You insert the Cody Cushion in the ball socket of your gooseneck hitch. Even if the air bag f...
When it comes to parenting, mothers traditionally get all of the attention, credit or blame, because historically, women have been assumed the primary caregivers for children. Some of this is only natural given the biological role of mothers in childbirth and breastfeeding. On the one hand, hum...
though. Since the break-up, every reunion show we've done (eight, so far) has featured a guest drummer (with me on guitar and Mr. Anus on bass, for the most part). We were also getting guest drummers a fair amount near the end of our original career....
of the story so far. A few ex. Dam-Hyang's fake-out, HwaJin scoring the ledger in her poofy Hanbok out of the well in an enemy's manor w/o being noticed, the entire vigilante-by night & idiot-by day persona of the King, heck, even BI publicly being a jerk to the King, etc...
The songs are all very hard to follow, because they jerk back and forth all over the place like a dangerous roller coaster ride that leaps off the tracks and smashes into a Vegas lounge, but the end result is amazing. I can't even BEGIN to imagine how a band would go about writing,...
record potholes. Can you imagine the impact in the neck of your trailer over each hole. 6000 lb. tongue weight rating. I pulled a 4 horse Logan Coach gooseneck from Logan Utah to Denver. I could tell when I took off with the trailer, that the Cody Cushion took the starting jerk away...