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中文检索词为"扩散加权成像"或"弥散加权成像"、"前列腺癌"或"前列腺肿瘤"和"T 2加权成像",英文文献检索词为"diffusion magnetic resonance or diffusion weighted imaging or DW-MRI or DW magnetic resonance and T 2 weighted imaging and prostate cancer or prostate carcinoma"。收集公开发表的关于T 2WI联合...
Description: This MR9-4 monoclonal antibody reacts with the mouse T cell receptor (TCR) V beta 5.1/5.2 chain. Composed of an alpha and beta chain, TCR specificity is typically determined by Va, Ja, Vb, Db, and Jb gene rearrangement. The MR9-4 antibody recognizes the V be...
Jb Lighting JTS KELEK克雷克 KDLK克迪艾克 KLOTZ Kramer克莱默 KV2 audio Klark Teknik K&M K-array KS audio L-Acoustics阿酷斯 Lab.Gruppen立高 Lexicon莱斯康 LPS LUXOM LoudProfessional LYNX Pro Audio Linea Research Martin audio玛田 Marantz马兰士 MC² Martin马田灯光 Mission美声 MIDAS迈达斯 Marshall M-...
We aim to show you accurate product information.Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. Warranty Warranty information Please be aware that the warranty terms on items offered for sale ...
Bisset WM, Watt JB, Rivers RP, Milla PJ (1988) Ontogeny of fasting small intestinal motor activity in the human infant. GUT 29:483–488 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Black PR, Mueller D, Crow J et al. (1994) Mesenteric defects as a cause of intestinal volvulus without malrotation and as...