Phileas J. Fogg, Esq. welcomes you to the Residence, Tavern, Gin Parlour, House of Botanicals, Society of Exploration, Pawnbrokers, City Tavern and Hat Tavern & Gin Club.
A Victorian tavern & secret gin bar in Soho! Discover gin cocktails, beers, ales and live sports at Mr Fogg's Hat Tavern & Gin Club.
Mr Fogg's Tavern 暂无评分 暂无点评 | 写点评 你也游览过这个餐馆吗?快来留下你精彩的点评吧 概览与点评 餐厅介绍 还没有人介绍过这个景点,快来做它的第一个内容贡献者~ 欢迎投稿给我们。 本店特色美食 烤猪五花肉 , 啤酒 , 酥脆猪耳朵 , 约克布丁 , 酥炸奶酪 , 酥脆土豆块 ,...
Signature menu Lunchtime Food Evening Food Mr Fogg's Roast Signature menu LANDLADY'S LIQUOR LICKERS! These libations are served exclusively at Mr Fogg’s Tavern. The most sublime and exotic ingredients from around the world are compounded with homemade tinctures, infusions and cordials for ...
Discover lunch, pints, punches and cocktails at Mr Fogg's Botanical Tavern in London's Fitzrovia, with a secret Treehouse hideaway upstairs...
regular accompanist on the London cabaret circuit, decided that he wanted to bring the atmosphere and joyous community singing of the Twinwood singalongs to London and so created this act. Make merry and sing to your heart’s content, as the Tavern comes alive with the glorious sound of ...