Click the links below to see other reviews that have already been submitted.Feel free to comment on any of these reviews to tell your own experiences, or about any other thoughts you have. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Mop Review: Used To Clean Bathtub Did you know Mr. Clean has come out with...
Clean Magic Eraser to get the job done. How they work Credit: Reviewed / Rachel Murphy You don't need a special cleaning solution for a Magic Eraser—just add a drizzle of water before you begin scrubbing. These aren’t your mama’s sponges, either. No, unlike other soft, porous ...
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Magic Eraser是由德国化学公司巴斯夫(BASF)发明的,最初用于隔热和隔音材料。直到后来,人们发现它在清洁方面具有极佳的效果,因此被引入家居清洁市场。美国宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)将其应用于家用清洁领域,并以Mr. Clean Magic Eraser 的品牌推出。Mr. Clean Magic Eraser魔术擦是一种家居清洁的神器,凭借其独特的清洁...
Antoinette has shared how she uses the Mr. Clean Eraser in her home, and also at work. Antoinette says: I really like and I’m very impressed with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I bought my first one after a friend told me about how good they work. There had been somestained Kool-Aid...
Mr. Clean Magic Erase Cleaner清洁先生 神奇海绵擦 果真是清洁神器啊,CC家中常备,因为家里的家具都是白色的……擦家里白色的家具效果很好,擦球鞋也不错,还可以清洁卫生间,对不锈钢和玻璃的清洁都很有效,还能用来清洁汽车内饰。 清洁先生(MR.CLEAN)是美国家庭清洁用品的必备品牌,几乎每一个美国家庭都在用。他家...
商品名称:美国直邮MrCleanMagicEraser多功能魔术清洁海绵擦15片装 商品编号:10087357691082 店铺:钰超凡医疗器械专营店 货号:tb_645316662727 适用人群:成人 类别:其他 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您...
Key attributes Other attributes Place of Origin United States Brand Name Mr. CleanRatings & Reviews Product reviews Store reviews 5.0/5.0Very satisfied Supplier service 5.0 On-time shipment 5.0 Product quality 5.0 All 5 stars (11) Y Y***u Jun 4, 2021 Was very kind. Will order again. At...
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