Browse our collection of Mr. Brainwash prints and paintings and read about Mr. Brainwash's artworks for sale.
MR BRAINWASH, Everyday Life. © Its A Wonderful World MR BRAINWASH, Charlie Chaplin. © Its A Wonderful World Mr. Brainwash (aka Thierry Guetta) rose to prominence when he appeared in Exit Through the Gift Shop - Banksy's documentary cum mockumentary, which focussed more on Guetta than i...
Mr. Brainwash, are you an art piece by Banksy? What’s an art piece? Maybe I am. If you think about it, why not? I'm real; I am who I am. I'm continuing. What you see now is mine, Banksy has nothing to do with it. I'm here, it’s me. My life is my life; nobody...