I don't yet have a deterministic way of reproducing this behavior, sorry for that, but it has happened to me several times that MqttClient.PublishAsync(...) throws an MQTTnet.Exceptions.MqttCommunicationException exception with message "The client is not connected.", but a check on MqttClien...
Example project that uses lwIP MQTT client to connect to a broker and publish a message. - cniles/picow-iot
MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,消息队列遥测传输协议),是一种基于发布/订阅(publish/subscribe)模式的“轻量级”通讯协议,西门子PLC连接云的说明配置教程。 西门子 mqtt PLC连接云服务器2020-07-29 上传大小:1989KB 所需:50积分/C币 Python库 | async_paho_mqtt_client-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl ...