1. MQTT服务器接收消息:当客户端发布消息后,MQTT服务器会接收到该消息,并进行相应的处理。 2. 事件触发:当服务器成功接收消息后,会触发一个名为mqttmsgpublishreceived的事件。该事件用于通知客户端已成功接收消息。 3. 事件通知:MQTT服务器会向所有订阅了该事件的客户端发送通知。通知消息中包含已接收消息的相关信...
mqttmsgpublishreceived事件的触发机制如下: 1.订阅主题:订阅者通过调用MQTT客户端的订阅方法订阅主题,例如:client.subscribe(topic)。订阅方法将订阅请求发送给MQTT Broker,并建立订阅关系。 2.事件注册:在订阅主题后,订阅者需要注册mqttmsgpublishreceived事件的回调函数。这个回调函数会在接收到相关主题的新消息时被触发...
so that it mean the myMQTTClient.publish(""MQTT_Topic , MQTT_MSG, 1) fail to reach AWS (i'm not sure but i guess that, pls correct if i'm wrong) , but my MQTT_publish variable still 1.
IoT Device Subscription: Ensure that the IoT devices are subscribed to the correct MQTT topic to receive the messages sent from the web server. For example, if you are using JavaScript on your web server, you can use the mqtt library to connect and publish messages. The mobile app can...